Following the cessation of WWII, a group of local Veterans joined together to establish a Post in Northeast Mpls. in the American Legion, receiving their charter on September 24, 1946. The Post was named in honor of Arthur and Leonard Falldin who sacrificed their lives for our country. The Falldin family consisted of one daughter and ten sons, nine of whom served in WWII. Currently one is still alive, John Falldin. On February 5, 1946,..
Although it is one of Minnesota's youngest Legion Posts and is far from being a "king-sized" Post, Arthur and Leonard Falldin Post 555 of Minneapolis can boast of an athletic program that far outstrips similar programs of older and larger Posts. The Falldin sports program directed by Fran Van Auken, Post athletic director, keeps a staff of 26 members busy the year around coaching peewee, cub, midget light and midget heavy football teams; cub, midget..
Those pictured for the St. Cloud Hospital visit are as follows; left to right, A. Rosenberger, Earl Sayre, W.J. Fielder, M.K. Dahl, E. Johnson (all from St. Cloud) and Falldiners Cy Lien, George Gorski, Pat O'Toole, Leroy Knealing and Dale Leider.
For the 3rd consecutive year, Falldin has cooperated with St. Paul Grand Arie of the Elks and St. Cloud Minnesota Chapter of the Red Cross, to give hospitalized Veterans from the St. Cloud Vets Hospital..
Juniors of Falldin Unit No. 555 of Minneapolis, Minnesota, present their flag pageant which is much in demand by patriot groups in their city. Two Past Presidents of the Unit, Lillian Smuder and Mary Jane Emerson, put together the story of the flags as used by the Juniors. The earlier American flags were hand-sewn. Juniors in the picture are, left to right: Barbara Nihart, Charlyss Bennek, Sandra Freyberger, Linda O'Toole, Sandra Duffee, Michelle Stevens, Teresa..
Robert Wood, chief of physical therapy at the Veteran's Hospital, is explaining this set of M.G. pulley panels and their use to members of the Falldin American Legion Auxiliary. Left to right, Mrs. Russ Bennek, 3100 Stinson Blvd; Mrs. Harold Emerson, 1513 Twenty-sixth Avenue Northeast and Mrs. Lloyd Hermes, 3250 Lincoln Street. These pulleys, invented by Professor Martin Mundale, University of Minnesota, are used to rehabilitate atrophied muscles in any part of the body. When..
Marie Lawler, Olympic speed skater from Falldin, is picured on the far right with her coach, Caroline Dugas on the left and George Bauman in the middle.
Shirley Nelson, pediatric nurse at Hennepin County General Hospital, shows Mrs. Lloyd Hermes (right), president of Falldin Unit 555 of Minneapolis, and Mrs. Robert Skogquist, Unit child welfare chairman, one of the premature infants who will benefit from the air conditioner and purifier recently donated by the Unit for the septic nursery at the hospital. For Child Welfare Month (April), the Falldin Post and Unit will donate the proceeds from their annual spaghetti dinner to..
New Officers of the Fifth District American Legion are shown following their installation at a joint cermony held August 8th at Falldin Post 555. Left to right are: George Evans, second vice commander; Donald Schroedl, third vice commander; Lyle (Pat) O'Toole, commander; Hal Leonard, chaplain; and Sam Goldman, first vice commander. Not present for the picture was William Dolan Jr., finance officer.
New officers of the Fifth District American Legion Auxiliary were installed in a joint ceremony held August 8 at Falldin Post 555. Shown left to right are: Mrs. Michael Cain, second vice president; Mrs. Russell Bennek, who stood in for Mrs. Duane Trombley, chaplain; Mrs. Ray Deming, treasurer; Mrs. Donald Schroedl, secretary; Mrs. Glenn Raffensparger, president; Department President Mrs. Cy Leivermann of Chaska, who was the installing officer; Mrs. Lester Forde, first vice president; and..
Pictured are Mrs. Gordon Struckman, 4847 Dupont Ave. N., junior auxiliary chairman and Linda O'Toole, 3114 Pierce St. N.E., president of the junior auxiliary, with a mitten tree. The juniors sponsored the mitten tree in conjunction with the annual Christmas party of Falldin American Legion Post 555, 3141 Central Ave. N.E., on Sunday, Dec. 11. All were invited to contribute a pair of mittens to be given to less fortunate children. Over 340 children and..
Five speedskaters from Falldin Post 555 Skating Club were in Winnipeg, Canada the weekend of Feb. 26-26-27 for the Manitoba International Speedskating Championships. The children, three parents and coaches Caroline Dugas and Paul Sieverson made the trip by chartered bus.
Stephanie Meade, 1611 Adams St. NE, received a second place trophy for overall points in the Pony Girls division. She placed first in the 200 meter final and broke a Canadian record by skating it in..