Morris Falldin, 2415 Hayes street, is arrangements chairman for the golf tournament, which will start off the Grand East side picnic to be sponsored by the Arthur and Leonard Falldin American Legion Post at Columbia park July 4. Teeing off will start at 6:00 a.m.
Mrs. Charlotte Pestello, 2630 Buchanan street, has been named arrangements chairman for the Doll Buggy parade entries. Janet Wyckoff, 5, of 2630 Buchanan St. N.E. and Corrine Carlson, 14 months, University Village, 28th and Como Ave. got busy early. Judges will be selected from the spectators at the picnic and the first prize will be a gold locket. The picnic is being sponsored by the Arthur and Leonard Falldin Post 555, American Legion, with the co-operation of the East Side business men. The program will also include softball games, races, a golf tournament, band concert and fireworks. Mayor Humphrey will speak at the 8 p.m. program.