Although it is one of Minnesota's youngest Legion Posts and is far from being a "king-sized" Post, Arthur and Leonard Falldin Post 555 of Minneapolis can boast of an athletic program that far outstrips similar programs of older and larger Posts. The Falldin sports program directed by Fran Van Auken, Post athletic director, keeps a staff of 26 members busy the year around coaching peewee, cub, midget light and midget heavy football teams; cub, midget and junior baseball teams; and a speed skating program for boys and girls of all ages. More than 250 boys and girls annually participate in the Falldin sports program, and Post sponsored teams have many a trophy to show for their athletic prowness.
Awards for the past season were presented at the Post's annual banquet on February 21. A highlight of the banquet was the presentation to Van Auken of a wrist watch to show the appreciation of all the 280 prospective football and baseball players and their parents who attended. Favorites among the distinguished guests were Don Joyce of the Minnesota Vikings and Paul Giel, former University of Minnesota football and basketball great, who is now associated with the Vikings.
Today the Falldin Post has 423 members and its Auxiliary numbers 80 members. Although members take particular pride in the extensive athletic program for boys and girls, the Post is active in other phases of the Legion program, and has great plans for the future in community service, welfare, its athletic program and its goal of more members each year.