American Legion Posts and Auxiliary units throughout Minnesota did much to make Christmas a happy occasion for hundreds of children, who otherwise had little to look forward to, by sponsoring a variety of Christmas parties and gift projects. One of the most ambitious projects was undertaken by Falldin Post 555 of Minneapolis and its Auxiliary unit, which distributed more than 600 toys to deserving and needy children.
Receiving this "tide of toys" from the Minneapolis post and unit were Minnesota Indian missions, the Faribault and Cambridge state hospitals, Dowling school and some 35 individual youngsters of needy families. Toys for the latter went out with Christmas baskets distributed by the Auxiliary unit.
More than 600 man hours were spent on Saturdays and evenings over a three-month period in fixing and packaging the toys. All of the toys were brand new rejects secured from a top toy manufacturer. Falldin Legionnaires touched up a bit of chipped paint here or a bent wheel there and put all of the items in tip-top shape. Glendenning Motor Freight delivered the packages going north and Murphy Motor Freight took care of the southern deliveries. Both provided free service that aided us materially in supplying a greater number of toys.