Post 216 Milford, Michigan

Post 216

Milford, Michigan

Post 216 Milford, Michigan

About This Post

Post Namesake
Ernest F. Oldenburg, who lived in this locality previous to enlistment, was a soldier in the 32nd Red Arrow Division who was killed in action in France and possessed the qualifications considered worthy of naming the Post in his memory. ... READ MORE
Notable Members
Chester W. Arms, Edwin C. Boyle, Chester Hamilton, Harold E. Cole, Frank E. Vincent, Everett B. Strange, Theron R. Arms, Edward Thornhill, Albert W. Johnson, Roy S. Pittenger, D. C. Black, Perry F. Ellis, Vincent E. Boyle, harold W. Avery, ... READ MORE
What Makes this Post Unique
In 1946 the property, the current location of the post, was purchased from Henry Ford for $300 dollars. During the purchase agreement Henry Ford had one stipulation, that the post be named after his good friend Ernest F. Oldenburg who ... READ MORE




First Post Commander and Adjutant 1919

Aug 1, 1919
Under Temporary Charter Frank E. Vincent was elected the first Commander and Chester H. Hamilton was First Adjutant. In August 1919 a group of local WWI Veterans held their first meeting in the Board of Commerce rooms in Milford for the purpose of organize a American Legion Post. Required number of members were obtained, application was made for a temporary Charter was granted by Department of Michigan in the name of Ernest F. Oldenburg Post..
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First Post Commander and Adjutant 1919


Elected Commander and Adjutant 1920

Elected Commander and Adjutant 1920

Jan 1, 1920
Chester H. Hamilton was elected Commander and Chester W. Arms was Elected as Adjutant, Membership total was 15. During the year members of the Post continued their organization,Although many difficult were encountered in holding the members together,few of original members drop out, But the following new members join the post. Charles H. Arthur, Ralph H. Bushey, Earl S. Mastick. Although the total fall two below the first year. Regular meetings was held in the Board..
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Annual Thanksgiving Feather Party

Nov 20, 1920
Milford American Legion Post 216 gave its first Annual Thanksgiving feather party as a means of raising funds to carry on the service work of the Post. * Copied from Post Historian book 1940-1943
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 Elected Commander and Adjutant 1921

Elected Commander and Adjutant 1921

Jan 1, 1921
Edwin C. Boyle was elected Commander, Chester W. Arms was re-elected Adjutant.Membership at 48. An increase of 33 Members was obtained during this year, largely due to the payment of a State Bonus and the Post Officers assisted a large number of Veterans in making out the application forms and obtaining the necessary proof in cases where original discharge papers had been lost. As the Post was in considerable debt for the newly acquired Post..
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American Legion Post 216 purchases hall.

Jan 1, 1921
In 1921 the American Legion Post 216 purchased a G.A.R. Hall for $1800 from Hebe Le Favour Post 181 of the Grand Army of the Republic surviving members, located on the corner of Main and Canal St. The post took over all patriotic duties such as Memorial Day Parade, and decorations of all veterans for all wars. The Building now became know as the Legion Hall. The Civil War Veterans were glad to have a..
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Elected Commander and Adjutant 1922

Elected Commander and Adjutant 1922

Jan 1, 1922
Ralph L. Bushey was elected Commander and Frank.E. Vincent was elected Adjutant. Membership total 47. The membership remained stable with a loss of one member over the previous year. Social activities were continued throughout the year with several dances and other joint gatherings of the members and their wives. During the year a Women's Auxiliary was formed and the ladies assisted greatly in staging the various social functions. The Patriotic activities were carried out during..
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Women's Auxiliary formed

Jan 1, 1922
The formation of the first Woman's Auxiliary to the Milford American Legion Post 216.
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Women's Auxiliary formed
Elected Commander and Adjutant 1923

Elected Commander and Adjutant 1923

Jan 1, 1923
Roy S. Pittenger was elected Commander and Frank E. Vincent was again elected Adjutant. Membership Total 21. A decided slump in membership took place during the year and the Post showed a loss of 26 member or over 50%, this was apparently due to many members having become adjusted and per-occupied in business, and also a goodly preparation of the original member had moved from this locality. The one year old Women's Auxiliary was also..
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Permanent Civil War Veterans Memorial 1924

Jan 1, 1924
The original title to the Legion Hall was transferred from the remaining members of the Heber-LaFavor Post of the G.A.R. to Inch Memorial,Inc monument manufacturers of Pontiac in exchange for a permanent monument to Civil War Veterans erected in the Milford Cemetery;the post entered into contract with Chas S. Inch to Purchase the hall for $1,800. Mr. Inch later transferred the contract to a Mrs.Winifred Burns and the Post continued the contract payment to this..
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Permanent Civil War Veterans Memorial 1924
 Elected Commander and Adjutant 1924

Elected Commander and Adjutant 1924

Jan 1, 1924
William W. Porter was elected Commander and Frank E. Vincent was again elected Adjutant. Membership total 35. An increase of 14 members was obtained during the year. The General Motors Proving Ground was opened during this year and one or two of new members were obtained from among the employes who had transferred to the Proving Grounds from other cities. The Post began to take more interest in the District and Department affairs and delegates..
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Boy Scouts Troop 33 Sponsored

Jan 1, 1924
In 1924 the American Legion Post 216 sponsored Boy Scout Troop 33. * Copied from Post Historian book 1940-1943
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Boy Scouts Troop 33 Sponsored
Dedication of Civil War Veterans Memorial

Dedication of Civil War Veterans Memorial

May 30, 1924
Dedication was held at Oak Grove Cemetery in Milford,Mi on May 30,1924 by the American Legion Post #216 and two members of the Heber LeFavour Post 181 G.A.R. and the Herber LeFavour Womens releif corps No 156 . Erected to the memory of our Comrades 1861-1865.The Momument was constructed by Inch Memorial,Inc monument manufacturers of Pontiac,MI. * Interview from Oak Grove Cemetery Historian and Caretaker Linda Dagenhart.
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Elected Commander and Adjutant 1925

Jan 1, 1925
William W. Porter was again elected Commander and Solon Gibson was elected Adjutant.Edwin Boyle elected Finance Officer. Membership total 50. An increase of 15 members was obtained for a new high record.On February 18, 1925 the Post was granted their permanent Charter from the Department of Michigan. The Boy Scout activity was continued and more social gatherings,dances and other entertainment programs were put on and real progress was being made, when the Post suffered a..
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Elected Commander and Adjutant 1925

Legion Hall a Blackened Ruin

Jan 9, 1925
Early Morning Fire Entirely Destroys Rear Portion, Stage and Post Room. Main Part Badly Damaged. $1500 Insurance. As the result of an early morning fire this Thursday, the rear portion of the lately remodelled American Legion hall is entirely consumed and the main part is a blackened and badly damaged building. The part burned included the stage and the large basement room under it, which was used as dining room and kitchen. A basketball game..
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Fire at the American Legion Post 216

Jan 16, 1925
In considering the rebuilding of the American Legion Hall, following the recent fire, the question arosed if it could be done in conformity with the village fire ordinance. The building is within the fire limits and if more than 50 percent, destroyed, cannot by the terms of the ordinance be repaired. The matter was referred by the council to the state fire marshall's office for decision. State Deputy Scott was here Tuesday and after due..
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Local American Legion signs charter.

Local American Legion signs charter.

Feb 18, 1925
In 1925 the charter was signed with 17 chartered members present. Chester W. Arms, Edwin C. Boyle, Chester Hamilton, Harold E. Cole, Frank E. Vincent, D.C. Black, Everett B. Strange, Theron R. Arms, Edward Thornhill, Albert W. Johnson, Roy S. Pittenger, Gary N. Watson, Perry F. Ellis, Vincent E. Boyle, Harold W. Avery, Mildred E. Boyle, Merle Dustin. A post service officer was appointed to assist and advise to all ex servicemen and their families..
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Elected Commander and Adjutant 1925-1926

Aug 1, 1925
William W. Porter was again elected Commander for the third time.Solon Gibson was again elected Adjutant. Edwin Boyle was again elected Finance Officer.Membership total 33. With all the burdens of debt and the discouraging outlook, a very difficult period was entered into at this time. The membership showed a lost of 17 members and it was only with special efforts were made to resume the former social activities with not too encouraging results, Wrestling and..
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Elected Commander and Adjutant 1925-1926
Elected Commander and Adjutant 1926-1927

Elected Commander and Adjutant 1926-1927

Aug 1, 1926
Solon Gibson was elected Commander,George Joerin was elected Adjutant.Edwin Boyle was again elected Finance Officer. Membership total 27. The difficulties of keeping the Post together continued and further loss of six members occurred in the year's membership; however, wrestling and boxing matches were staged, dances and other social events were continued with the help of the Women's Auxiliary. Some funds were raised and with those from the Annual Thanksgiving Feather Party it was again possible..
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Elected Commander and Adjutant 1927-1928

Aug 1, 1927
Solon Gibson was again elected Commander, Earl Wilkinson was elected Adjutant, Edwin Boyle was again re-elected Finance Officer. Membership total 26. The Commander again faced the problems with regard to keeping the organization together and the main objectives again were to raise funds to meet the financial obligations and with the help of the Auxiliary, dances and other social events were staged to augment the Annual Feather Party profits, but it was necessary to apply..
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Elected Commander and Adjutant 1927-1928
Elected Commander and Adjutant 1928-1929

Elected Commander and Adjutant 1928-1929

Aug 1, 1928
Vincent E. Boyle Was Elected Commander, Earl Rogers was elected Adjutant, Edwin Boyle was Again elected Finance Officer. Membership Total 34. Some improvement was made during the year in membership and a gain of 8 members was obtained;the number of employees at the GM Proving Ground was increasing and a few new members were obtained from among veterans who had been transferred from other cities to Proving Ground. The Women's Auxiliary again disbanded mainly due..
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