William W. Porter was again elected Commander for the third time.Solon Gibson was again elected Adjutant. Edwin Boyle was again elected Finance Officer.Membership total 33.
With all the burdens of debt and the discouraging outlook, a very difficult period was entered into at this time. The membership showed a lost of 17 members and it was only with special efforts were made to resume the former social activities with not too encouraging results, Wrestling and Boxing matches were promoted by Ed Boyle with some moderate success and considerable amounts were raised and with with Feather Party profits on the indebtedness were kept up.
The Memorial Day Program was carried out similar to last year;however, the Annual Campfire dinner was not resumed, but Boy Scouts were continued.
The Women's Auxiliary was again reorganized and were helpful in various social affairs.
Copied from Post Historian book 1940-1943