William W. Porter was elected Commander and Frank E. Vincent was again elected Adjutant. Membership total 35.
An increase of 14 members was obtained during the year.
The General Motors Proving Ground was opened during this year and one or two of new members were obtained from among the employes who had transferred to the Proving Grounds from other cities.
The Post began to take more interest in the District and Department affairs and delegates from the Post attend the meetings and conventions.
This year the Post took over the sponsorship of the local Boy Scout Troop #33.
Local activities, both patriotic and social, were continued, including several dances, concerts, and the Annual Campfire Dinner and Thanksgiving Feather Party.
The Memorial Day program was enlarged, services and exercises being conducted in four cemeteries in Milford, Wixom, New Hudson, including decoration of graves.
Funds sufficient to meet the contract payments were raised; however, the original title to the Legion Hall was transferred from the remaining members of the Heber-LaFavor Post of the G.A.R. to Inch Memorial,Inc monument manufacturers of Pontiac in exchange for a permanent monument to Civil War Veterans erected in the Milford Cemetery;the post entered into contract with Chas S. Inch to Purchase the hall for $1,800. Mr. Inch later transferred the contract to a Mrs.Winifred Burns and the Post continued the contract payment to this individual.
*Copied from Post Historian book 1940-1943