William W. Porter was again elected Commander and Solon Gibson was elected Adjutant.Edwin Boyle elected Finance Officer. Membership total 50.
An increase of 15 members was obtained for a new high record.On February 18, 1925 the Post was granted their permanent Charter from the Department of Michigan. The Boy Scout activity was continued and more social gatherings,dances and other entertainment programs were put on and real progress was being made, when the Post suffered a severe loss and set-back due to a fire which almost destroyed the Legion Hall. All the rear part of the building was completely destroyed and the main hall floor was badly burned.All previous written records of the Post were destroyed.It cost several thousand dollars to make repairs which reduced the size of the structure considerably.
The Post went heavily into debt for these repairs - this caused a real crisis in the organization as some members were strongly in favor of disbanding the Post and it remained for a few who had the ideals of the American Legion at heart to carry on in spite of the handicap and to prove they were strong enough to shoulder the responsibility of the added debt which had been incurred in the form of a loan from the local bank and underwritten by several individual members of the Post.
Comrade Ed Boyle became Finance Officer at this time and greatly through his aid that the bank loan was obtained and the repayments started.
The social activities at the Legion Hall,of course, were almost at a stand still for a time and the annual Washington's Birthday Campfire dinner was abandoned due to the condition of the hall; however, the Boy Scouts were kept going.
In accordance with the provisions of the new permanent Charter and to agree with the constitution and by-laws of Department of Michigan, the Post Officers were elected at the annual meeting,which was held in August to serve for one year from that time, whereas previously the year was January to December each year.
Copied from Post Historian Book 1940-1943