Post 86 Wilton, Connecticut

Post 86

Wilton, Connecticut

Post 86 Wilton, Connecticut

About This Post

Post Namesake

James B. Whipple

Notable Members

Harry A. Marhoffer, Fritz Meyer, Harry Abbott, Harry Abbott Jr., Ernest "Bing" Ventres, Don Hazzard

What Makes this Post Unique

In 1925, the Post held a rummage sale to raise funds for purchase of a lot to build a home for Post. In 1927, the lot purchased, cellar dug, and more funds raised to build Post. Some of the WW I veterans not only supplied the labor to build, but used their own money to do so. Post was completed in 1938. The total cost, estimated by some of the older members of the Post, was about $8,000, cost of materials, the labor supplied at no cost.




James Bennett Whipple Dies in Battle

Jun 3, 1918

   Corporal James B. Whipple, born in South Wilton, Connecticut, February 7, 1893, was killed at approximately 3:00 PM local time. His unit, the 76th Company/1st Battalion/6th Regiment/2nd Marine Division was engaged in heavy fighting in the Chateau-Thierry region. He was predeceased by his father Clarence A. (March 13, 1902). He is survived by his mother Florentine Strauss (born in New Jersey), older siblings Clarence A. Jr. (born in New York), Maude H. (born in..

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James Bennett Whipple Dies in Battle


Wilton, Connecticut Secures Legion Charter

Wilton, Connecticut Secures Legion Charter

Oct 1, 1920

   On the first of October, wilton was granted a charter to the American Legion. Charter members include: Harry E. Aumuck, George D. Barringer, Lawrence Barringer, Edward Bouteiller, Charles W. Burt, Fred H. Davis, Charles O. Eakland, Jr., Norman C. Godfrey, William E. Godfrey, Horace M. Hollister, Fred Kuehnel, Harry A. Marhoffer, George Middlebrook, Stanley Montville, Carleton B. Weed and Leslie Withnell.

   These members voted to name the Post after Wilton's first casualty, James B...

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"Flashes of Action": re-creation of a WW I battle!

Aug 9, 1924
Battery C, 192nd Field Artillery from the Norwalk Armory, commanded by Captain Joseph Brotherton and aided by Lieutenants Day and Priest, presented an artillery barrage with light machine gun and rifle fire. Total troops numbered approximately 40. This was a "re-creation of a battle that would have been fought in France during WW I. The troops arrived at Orem's field (the Wilton ballpark)in Wilton, set up camp, and at 2145 hours began the "fight". Unfortunately,..
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National Defense Day Program

Sep 12, 1924
This program was held once again at Orem's Field (Wilton's ballpark), to celebrate National Defense Day. The program included a recitation of the Star Spangled Banner by local Boy and Girl Scout troops (led by Timothy T. Merwin), a prayer by Wilton's Congregational church reverend Ernest K. Coultier, A picture show, "Paul Revere's Ride (made in 1904 and many scenes filmed in the Wilton area). This was followed by remarks by Richard H. Fitch, who..
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Iwo Jima Flag Raising

Feb 23, 1945

   On February 23, 1945, six Marines were photographed by Joe Rosenthal (Associated Press) raising an American Flag on Mount Suribachi. What many history buffs know is that this was actually the second Flag raised. There are differing accounts as to why the first Flag was replaced, the two most common that the first Flag was too small, and the other that Secretary of thew Navy who witnessed the raising wanted the Flag for posterity...

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Iwo Jima Flag Raising


Post 86 Sponsors Wilton Student to Connecticut Boys State.

Post 86 Sponsors Wilton Student to Connecticut Boys State.

Jun 11, 1953
Peter G. Gable, a student at Staples High School, was selected to attend Boys State at the University of Connecticut, June 21-27, 1953. Peter is an Eagle Scout in Troop 9 in Westport, with plans to continue studies in Science in college. Peter moved to Wilton with his family from Long Island, where he was honored by the local American Legion Post for studies in Social Studies in eighth grade (with a medal) and an..
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Protecting Veteran Benefits

Jan 24, 1958
The legislative chairman of Post 86, Robert E. Park, wrote a letter to the editor of the Norwalk Hour, opposing cuts to the rehabilitation programs for disabled veterans. Among the proposals would be: lowering income limitations; reducing pensions still available by deducting social security benefits (which president Reagan eventually did); scrap the veteran housing programs; make small lump sum benefit payments to veterans with war wounds not currently severe; freeze the number of beds in..
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The Second Flag Raised at Iwo Jima

The Second Flag Raised at Iwo Jima

Feb 19, 1977
This letter was written by Post 86 commander Joseph Hopkins relating his participation in the second flag that was raised on Mount Suribachi. "Dear Dr. Norman Boas: Some time ago you asked me to recall the circumstances under which I gave the large Flag to the Marines from my L.S.T. 779 Flag(indecipherable) for the famous Flag raising over Mt. Suribachi on the Japanese Island of Iwo Jima in 1945. As Captain of L.S.T. 779, I..
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Original Wilton Veteran's Memorila Dedication Wilton Center

Nov 11, 1977
November 11, 1977, the Town of Wilton and Post 86 dedicated the first Memorial to Veteran's of this nations wars. Commander Joseph Hopkins presided alongside the First Selectman.
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Original Wilton Veteran's Memorila Dedication Wilton Center
Photograph of First Flag Raising Mount Suribachi, Iwo Jima

Photograph of First Flag Raising Mount Suribachi, Iwo Jima

Oct 5, 1979
Lou Lowry was a Marine Corps Captain, a photographer, and the only combat photographer to cover six major campaigns during WWII. He was the photographer who captured the first Flag raising on Mount Suribachi, of which the Flag was determined to be too small to be seen by Marines and ships below the mountain. The photograph accompanying this article is a photo of the original Flag raising, and autographed by Lou Lowry himself, addressed to..
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Kick For Nick "Kicks Off"

Dec 7, 2006
Nicholas Madaras was a Wilton resident, who enlisted in the US Army and began training July 4, 2005. He graduated Airborne school and was assigned to the "Silver Lions" 1st Battalion, 68th Armor Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, Fort Carson, Colorado. Since his unit was already deployed to Iraq, Nick deployed in February, 2006. He was assigned to the Personal Security Detail of Lt. Col. Thomas Fisher, his battalion commander. His assignments..
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Kick For Nick
Wilton Veteran's Memorial Stadium Rededication

Wilton Veteran's Memorial Stadium Rededication

Oct 30, 2009
Wilton Veteran's Memorial Stadium, located at Wilton High School playing fields, was dedicated Homecoming Day, October 19, 1968. It was marked by a marker and flagpole in a garden at the field. It was dedicated to the [at that time] six men who died in Vietnam. The addition of nine stones surrounding one large stone with a plaque was rededicated October 30, 2009, with a ceremony that included some family members of the honored dead,..
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Wilton Veteran's Memorial Dedication

Nov 11, 2010
With an idea born of his service to this country, Post 86 member Don Klotz, a WWII Navy veteran, began his quest to build a larger memorial dedicated to those who served and died fighting in this nations wars. From the French and Indian wars up to the Iraqi war, the names of those KIA are permanently engraved on six granite stones in Wilton Center. It took two years of planning, fundraising, gathering contractors and..
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Wilton Veteran's Memorial Dedication
Post 86 Members Laying a Wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns

Post 86 Members Laying a Wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns

Sep 13, 2011
The arrangements were made by Post 86 member, Korean War veteran Vincent Von Zwehl and his wife Connie, both ardent supporters of Post 86. Inviting them to join the ceremony, Commander Don Hazzard, a Sea Bee who served in Vietnam and Tom Moore, an Army Interrogator who served along the "Iron Curtain" between Germany and Czechoslovakia, they were part of the ceremony to lay a wreath at the Tomb. For the three veterans and Connie,..
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The Nicholas A. Madaras Home for Female Soldiers, Forgotten Heroes

Oct 21, 2011
On October 21, 2011, the doors to Connecticuts first homeless female veteran home opened in Bridgeport, Conn. Taking nearly two years to find the right home to make for these women, it was well worth it in the end. With rooms for 15 women, (10 of which are supported by the VA), and their children under age five, it offers the specialized services unique to homeless female veterans, as well as offering a sanctuary of..
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The Nicholas A. Madaras  Home for  Female Soldiers, Forgotten Heroes
Post 86 Undergoes Renovation of Meeting Hall

Post 86 Undergoes Renovation of Meeting Hall

Nov 11, 2017

   Post 86 held an Open House after the Veteran's Day parade/ceremony, inviting the public to view their new hall. With help from members Commander Don Hazzard, Alex Ruskewich, Roger Wanamaker, Frank Dunn and Tom Moore, as well as Bill Madaras, Vice-President and Secretary of the "Kick for Nick Foundation" and Boy Scout Troop 20, we "freshened up the hall including paint, lightfixtures, an office for the Post officers and a television area. In addition,..

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Memorial for Post 86 Namesake James B. Whipple

Jun 3, 2018

     June 3, 1918, USMC Corporal James Bennett Whipple was killed in action at Chateau Thierry, Belleau Woods, France. On June 3, 2018, Post 86 remembered James, with a memorial ceremony, with several of his relatives in attendence. Nephew Fred Whipple Sr., grand-nephew Fred Whipple Jr., his wife Vaida, son Fred Whipple III, grand-nephew James Whipple Jr., and Ida Whipple, widowof James Whipple Sr., nephew and namesake of James Bennett Whipple all attended this..

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Memorial for Post 86 Namesake James B. Whipple
National Commander Brett Reistad Visits Post 86!

National Commander Brett Reistad Visits Post 86!

Oct 2, 2018

For the first time in Post 86's history, an active national commander visited us. It turned out to be a great day, both with thecommander and the comraderie of fellow veterans/Legionnaires. Five department Posts stopped by to meet him. With a total of about 50 total visitors,we had a good turnout. With the commander's slogan "Celebrating our Legacy" for this, the 100th year of the American Legion, how appropriate he stopped by Post 86.

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Celebrating 100 Years with the Wilton Historical Society!

Mar 15, 2019

The Wilton Historical Society's summer exhibit, "Bullets Bonds & Butter - Wilton at War" opened on the 100th anniversary of the Paris caucus. What better way to celebrate, than for Post 86 to loan Post artifacts to this exhibit, including a birthday cake served to all attendees.

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Celebrating 100 Years with the Wilton Historical Society!

Happy Birthday IV

Mar 16, 2019

Cutting the cake

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