Corporal James B. Whipple, born in South Wilton, Connecticut, February 7, 1893, was killed at approximately 3:00 PM local time. His unit, the 76th Company/1st Battalion/6th Regiment/2nd Marine Division was engaged in heavy fighting in the Chateau-Thierry region. He was predeceased by his father Clarence A. (March 13, 1902). He is survived by his mother Florentine Strauss (born in New Jersey), older siblings Clarence A. Jr. (born in New York), Maude H. (born in..
On the first of October, wilton was granted a charter to the American Legion. Charter members include: Harry E. Aumuck, George D. Barringer, Lawrence Barringer, Edward Bouteiller, Charles W. Burt, Fred H. Davis, Charles O. Eakland, Jr., Norman C. Godfrey, William E. Godfrey, Horace M. Hollister, Fred Kuehnel, Harry A. Marhoffer, George Middlebrook, Stanley Montville, Carleton B. Weed and Leslie Withnell.
These members voted to name the Post after Wilton's first casualty, James B...
On February 23, 1945, six Marines were photographed by Joe Rosenthal (Associated Press) raising an American Flag on Mount Suribachi. What many history buffs know is that this was actually the second Flag raised. There are differing accounts as to why the first Flag was replaced, the two most common that the first Flag was too small, and the other that Secretary of thew Navy who witnessed the raising wanted the Flag for posterity...
Post 86 held an Open House after the Veteran's Day parade/ceremony, inviting the public to view their new hall. With help from members Commander Don Hazzard, Alex Ruskewich, Roger Wanamaker, Frank Dunn and Tom Moore, as well as Bill Madaras, Vice-President and Secretary of the "Kick for Nick Foundation" and Boy Scout Troop 20, we "freshened up the hall including paint, lightfixtures, an office for the Post officers and a television area. In addition,..
June 3, 1918, USMC Corporal James Bennett Whipple was killed in action at Chateau Thierry, Belleau Woods, France. On June 3, 2018, Post 86 remembered James, with a memorial ceremony, with several of his relatives in attendence. Nephew Fred Whipple Sr., grand-nephew Fred Whipple Jr., his wife Vaida, son Fred Whipple III, grand-nephew James Whipple Jr., and Ida Whipple, widowof James Whipple Sr., nephew and namesake of James Bennett Whipple all attended this..
For the first time in Post 86's history, an active national commander visited us. It turned out to be a great day, both with thecommander and the comraderie of fellow veterans/Legionnaires. Five department Posts stopped by to meet him. With a total of about 50 total visitors,we had a good turnout. With the commander's slogan "Celebrating our Legacy" for this, the 100th year of the American Legion, how appropriate he stopped by Post 86.
The Wilton Historical Society's summer exhibit, "Bullets Bonds & Butter - Wilton at War" opened on the 100th anniversary of the Paris caucus. What better way to celebrate, than for Post 86 to loan Post artifacts to this exhibit, including a birthday cake served to all attendees.
Cutting the cake