June 3, 1918, USMC Corporal James Bennett Whipple was killed in action at Chateau Thierry, Belleau Woods, France. On June 3, 2018, Post 86 remembered James, with a memorial ceremony, with several of his relatives in attendence. Nephew Fred Whipple Sr., grand-nephew Fred Whipple Jr., his wife Vaida, son Fred Whipple III, grand-nephew James Whipple Jr., and Ida Whipple, widowof James Whipple Sr., nephew and namesake of James Bennett Whipple all attended this event at Post 86. With Department commander Ed DEGumbia, Dept. Sr. Vice commander Tom Flowers and Dept. Sgt.-at-Arms Dennis Beauregard, 3rd District commander Mike Kellet and Flag detail Post 86 members Sean McNeill and Paul Niche, the day was a moving tribute to a Marine who gave the ultimate sacrifice.
Also attending were State Representative Gail Lavielle, State Senator Toni Boucher and Senator Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut.