As we begin to tell our story of Seward Post #5, I want to extend our post's sincere appreciation to Son's member Doug Capra. Doug is an accomplished writer and historian. He came to Alaska in 1971 from Massachusetts, and taught in the Aleutian Islands and in Seward. He retired after 24 years of teaching, then spent 17 years as a National Park Ranger at Kenai Fjords National Park. Doug has served on the board..
To "go over the top" was an expression that came out of the Great War itself. For an attack, soldiers in the trenches were ordered to climb up, over and out of their protection and "go over the top." Tis often meant exposing themselves to the fierce artillery and/or machine gun fire. In civilian lingo, the expression meant more than just to do one's patriotic duty; it meant to go above and beyond what was..
The post started to become formalized with positions being assigned. Elwin Swetmann became temporary chairman and D.W. Stoddard, temporary secretary and treasurer. The group selected a committee to draw up bylaws and a constitution. Those eligible for membership could be from any branch of the service, but had to "under arms at the front, in camps or on duty elsewhere from April 6th, 1917 to November 11, 1918, or those of allied nations." The first..
Why did the originating members name the post what they did? Why did they name the post after a murdered US Deputy Marshal Isaac Evans? He had no military background and did not fight in the great war. Had he lived, Evans wouldn't be eligible for membership. Evans's murder was fresh in everyone'should mind and the trial of his murderer was happening as the veterans met. In a resolution passed the evening they organized, they..
A new decade arrived on January 1st 1928 new president Warren G Harding, would soon take his oath of office. As the 1920s and 1930s progressed, the ripples created by the Great War acted more like Great Waves from a boulder dropped into a small pond. The world would never be the same. America's losses in the Great War as tragic as they were couldn't compare with the all of Europe's. Over half of all..
Memorial Day 1922, The American Legion held a short program at the "Legion Cemetery" to commemorate Memorial Day and those comrades who had gone before to "Post Everlasting." Car and delivery truck owners assembled at Fourth Ave to convey the crowds who wished to attend the ceremony. Members of the 21st Infantry stationed in Seward received credit for an impressive service. The services were held at the grave of LC Staughan who had served in..
The Issac Evans post sponsored the 4th of July celebration in 1922, the first since 1917 which was primarily due to railroad construction and the WWI. The town was "all in" as it was a grand time for Alaska and the new American Legion Post wanted to celebrate in grand fashion. The Auxiliary of the Isaac Evans Post planned and creaged a replica of a Salvation Army WWI dougout where they served donuts and..
The Seward Gateway Newspaper announced the competition for the Alaska State Flag on December 31st, 1926. It began earler in 1926 when George Parks, Governor of the territory of Alaska, called on the Postmaster General in Washington DC. The governor noted the rotunda of the Federal Post Office Building featured a spectacular dislay of flags of all the states and territories except Alaaska.
On his return to Alaska, GovernorParks met with the American Legion..
“The Armistice Day Committees have reported is their work is completed and everything is in readiness for the opening gun tomorrow night in (the) Odd Fellows Hall.
From the advance sale of tickets it is indicated one of the largest crowds to have attended a dance in the past year will be at this affair.
The Seward Post is now a complete and respected member of the town and fellow fraternal organizations that have formed since the beginnings in the early 1900's. For a town with a population that is about 1,000 at this time the American Legion is a dedicated group of veterans who maintain involvement in all aspects of the community. The following newspaper article from the Seward Daily Gateway illustrates the attitude of service and of..
The American Legion Cemetery, Seward Alaska
The American Legion Cemetery was created on November 6, 1933, when the City Council voted to provide American Legion Post #5 with a one-acre burial area within the city’s original 40-acre cemetery reserve. This was accomplished during a City Council Meeting under motion by Councilman Elwyn Swetmann, seconded by Councilman Stanton on this date. The motion was unanimously carried. The..
The Seward Post for many, many years met in a variety of places throughout town from the Fire Hall to the Oddfellows Hall and the post finally secured their first building as was announced in the Seward Daily..
As reportted in the Article from the Resurrection Bay Historical Society Newsletter November 2023
Original Article From the May 29, 1946 Seward Polaris Newspaper
[On Memorial Day] we pause to pay tribute to our boys who fought for us in World War II – the boys whose names adorn our town’s memorial plaque. The beautiful blue and gold memorial which took its place last summer among Seward’s landmarks was made..
“I wanted to go so I went!" Many people are worth remembering and one particular veteran who lived and walked among us for a time at Seward Post 5 was Edna Wier. She was active in many community organizations, especially our post, and was quite outspoken. Most who knew her will always cherish her memory. But many in Seward today never knew the woman. She was one of many of her generation who responded to..
Another first for Post #5. The Seward Post News in its July edition reported with the news lead of 'FIRST DISTRICT MEETING WITH THE NEW OFFICERS, HELD DURING CONVENTION.' The first Western District meeting to be presided over by the new officers was called for by Commander Ralph Rider on June 4th, which was the opening date of the 39th, Annual Department of American Legion Convention, held in Seward. The District Convention was previously held..
The Seward Post News, the only llegion newspaper in Alaska to win an award, edited by H. Everett Hoy, won national recognition from the American Legion Press Association for the best paper produced by a "Duplicating Process." Previous years' winnders included: 1959 Bell Post Bugler, Milwaukee, Wis; 1958 Bell Post Bugler Milwaukee Wis; 1957 Post Time 121, Cheser West VA.
Seward was getting it's first post WWII and Korea military presence with the USCG Cutter Sorrell. It was the beginning of a good relationship of Coast Guard members and their families becoming part of Seward and the American Legion Post in town. Over the years the Coast Guard has become a big part of Seward Post 5 with their families and the ships that have come to call Seward their home port. The Petticoat Gazette..