“The Armistice Day Committees have reported is their work is completed and everything is in readiness for the opening gun tomorrow night in (the) Odd Fellows Hall.

From the advance sale of tickets it is indicated one of the largest crowds to have attended a dance in the past year will be at this affair.

A complete parody setting up the scene for the dance…..


Of special importance and in interest will be the extra stunts the nature of which still remains a deep dark mystery,

’Rather difficult, you know, old chap , to formulate four or five stunts that will appeal to such a discriminating audience.’ Declared Archibald Henry Moosecalf, imported entertainer emeritus to His Majesty’s cat. ‘One stunt is a huge strain on a chappie’s mind, you see.  Two or three for a single night…I have tried to think up something clever and absolutely original like having everybody take hold of each other’s hand and gallop around in a ring but the fear that some individual might slip on the jolly old wax and sprain something, quite appals me.

With this fear in mind I have tried to conjur up a diversion that will be safe and not so energetic as the above mentioned.  Not so hectic if you get what I mean.  I had thot that we might since an American Legion dance is not held very often, do something absolutely paralyzing.  Suppose everybody should just stand still and ogle each other.  The men ogle the women and vice versa.  Capital, what by Jove I don’t think anybody before ever conceived of a dance where nobody dance or stood around in groups doing nothing in particular and perhaps, along about eleven or twelve o’clock am sing little pleasantries like for example, what do you think of the weather we’re having?  Do you think it will rain tomorrow?...” 


The stunts and suggestions continue throughout the comedic article creating an atmosphere of fun and frivolity to invite one and all to come to the dance at 9:00 pm on Armistice Day at the Independent Order of Odd Fellows Hall on Adams Street in Downtown Seward.  The results show tomorrow!

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