Post 37 Ames, Iowa

Post 37

Ames, Iowa

Post 37 Ames, Iowa

About This Post

Notable Members
Anson Marston - Charter Member, Distinguished Professorship in Engineering at Iowa State carries his name, David Rehbein - National Commander 2008-2009, James Demarest - Department Commander 2013-2014
What Makes this Post Unique
The Ames Post has existed in downtown Ames for our entire existence. The Post Home has been on Main Street since the 1930's




Post Receives Temporary Charter

Jun 16, 1919

The Ames American Legion received their temporary charter on June 16, 1919.The Post received the number 37 as being the 37th post chartered in Iowa. The chartering period began on May 12, 1919 with Spencer receiving the honor of Post #1. Posts quickly chartered all over Iowa with 356 posts in existence on December 31, 1919. Iowa led the nation in the number of posts chartered that first year.

Fifteen veterans were required to apply for..

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Post Receives Temporary Charter
Anson Marston ISU Professor and Soldier

Anson Marston ISU Professor and Soldier

Jun 17, 1919
Among the names on the temporary charter application for Ames Post #37 is that of Anson Marston. Mr. Marston or Professor Marston as he was known then was not a typical World War I soldier. He had graduated from Cornell University with a degree in civil engineering in 1889. In 1892 he joined the faculty of Iowa State University as Professor and Head of the Department of Civil Engineering. In 1904 he was promoted to..
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Post Members in Leadership Positions

Jan 1, 1920
Beginning with the very first year of The American Legion in Iowa, members of Ames Post #37 have filled leadership positions in the District, Department and National organizations of The American Legion. Those individuals are listed below. 1920-1921 - E. B. Bush - District Alt. Executive Committeeman 1924-1925 - John W Teed - District Vice-Commander 1926-1927 - C. A. Stevens - District Vice-Commander 1933-1934 - Wilkie Harper - District Commander 1937-1938 - C. D. Lee..
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Post Receives Permanent Charter

Sep 24, 1923
Having operated under a temporary charter since June, 1919, Ames Post #37 applied for and was granted a permanent charter on September 24, 1923. The list of members who signed the permanent charter is below. A number of the veterans who signed the application for the temporary charter in 1919 do not appear on the list for the permanent charter. It would appear then as now that young veterans are a mobile population and that..
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The Legion Brings Santa to AMes

Nov 1931

The Legion Brings Santa to Ames

The events of October 1929 were felt in Ames as they were across the United States. By the following fall, it was obvious that for many children of this country, Christmas would be a much smaller celebration. At the Dec. 12, 1930, Ames American Legion Post 37 meeting, member Carl Powers described a..

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The Legion Brings Santa to AMes
Ames Legionnaire chosen as Olympic Wrestling Coach

Ames Legionnaire chosen as Olympic Wrestling Coach

Jan 25, 1932

Minutes of the January 25, 1932 Post Meeting record the following:

Good of the Legion: Otopolik (sp) was called to the floor and congratulated by the commander on his appointment as wrestling coach for the American Olympic team and given a hand by the post. Otopolik (sp) responded and gave a short talk on his hopes and ambitions for the American team.

The member introduced was Hugo Otopalik, head coach of the Iowa State University wrestling team..

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Police Lights and Drivers Tests Courtesy of Ames Post

Mar 1, 1932
Early in the decade of the 1930’s, highway safety became an issue of real concern as the number of motorcars on the road climbed each year. It is estimated that in 1930, one in every five Americans owned a car for an estimated total of 24.5 million cars. New car sales in 1930 were estimated at 2.5 million. Top speed for a new car in 1930 was 60mph. With that growth in the number of..
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Police Lights and Drivers Tests Courtesy of Ames Post

Story County Council forms and hosts picnic

Apr 20, 1932
(The following account was compiled from a scrapbook assembled in the early 1930’s by T. H. Corliss, Post Historian) An article in the April 20, 1932 Ames Daily Tribune and Times (as it was known then) announced that The American Legion posts in Story County would be holding a meeting on April 21 at the courthouse to create a county organization. The article referenced an earlier meeting of the posts at which Carl O. Powers..
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Rainbow of the Rio Grande

Oct 17, 1932
During issuance of the permanent charter for the Ames Post, one of the questions asked was whether the Post dues were sufficient to provide the financial needs of the Post. That question was answered NO, not surprisingly that is still the case today. In the 1930’s, the Ames Post settled on an annual fundraising talent show as a way to both raise funds for the operation of the Post as well as publicizing the activities...
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Rainbow of the Rio Grande


New Members Flock to Post After WW II

New Members Flock to Post After WW II

Jul 1, 1946
The picture shown here and two others in the gallery come from the historical archives of the Post. None of the pictures are labeled but conversation with members whose service dates to the period after WW II indicates that these pictures are of an initiation ceremony that took place at the Post, probably in 1946. Obviously from the appearance of the ladies in two of the pictures, those two are of the same ceremony but..
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Legion Male Chorus Forms

Sep 1, 1946
In the years immediately following WW II a male singing group sprang up in Ames under the sponsorship of the Ames American Legion post. The group quickly became well-known and popular throughout central Iowa. The group as shown in the photo was formed in 1946 and lasted at least three years based on a later picture that is in the post’s possession. The members of the group for the 1946-47 season were (top row, L-R)..
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Legion Male Chorus Forms

Post Purchases Permanent Headquarters

Apr 28, 1947

At the April 28, 1947 regular meeting, discussion was held on purchasing the International Order of Odd Fellows Building (IOOF) at 225 Main. The Post had been headquartered in that property since 1940, renting space from the IOOF. After lengthy discussion concerning the condition of the building and its boiler, the expenses, income, use of third floor and other matters, the following resolution was passed unanimously.

BE IT RESOLVED by Ames Post #37 of..

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A. H. Griffith Receives Ames Post 37 First Honorary Life Membership

Jun 6, 1962
On June 6, 1962 the first ever Honorary Life Membership in Ames American Legion Post #37 was awarded to A. H. "Hugh" Griffith. Hugh was a longtime member of the Post and had served as Commander. Beyond that, he had set the example of a Legionnaire that continued to provide leadership to the Post in many functions. Among these was serving as chair of the Building committee when the mortgage on the current Post Home..
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A. H. Griffith Receives Ames Post 37 First Honorary Life Membership


Academic Letter Program Begins

Academic Letter Program Begins

Nov 1, 1987
In November, 1987 the Ames American Legion family joined with Ames High School to create an Academic Awards program. Each Ames High student that met the required criteria was awarded an Academic Letter, a block letter A identical to the athletic letters that were awarded for sports except that this letter featured the lamp of knowledge in place of the athletic symbol. Past Commander Jack Green was primarily responsible for the creation of this program...
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Pure Heaven Begins Domination of Color Guard Competition

Aug 22, 1992
In 1981 a group of five American Legion Auxiliary members from the Ames Unit made the decision to form a color guard after watching the color guard competition in the Department Convention parade each year. Those women, Sandy Deacon, Ann Rehbein, Judy Demarest, Annette Thompson and Linda Boeck, would be the foundation of a group that would come to dominate Color Guard competitions at the National Convention. They named themselves the Pure Heaven Color Guard...
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Pure Heaven Begins Domination of Color Guard Competition