During issuance of the permanent charter for the Ames Post, one of the questions asked was whether the Post dues were sufficient to provide the financial needs of the Post. That question was answered NO, not surprisingly that is still the case today.
In the 1930’s, the Ames Post settled on an annual fundraising talent show as a way to both raise funds for the operation of the Post as well as publicizing the activities. In 1932, that talent show was entitled “Rainbow of the Rio Grande” and was stated at the public schools field house on October 17 and 18.
The cover of the program for that show is included with this article. The full program is shown in one of the galleries for this site.
Page 1 of the program gave a summary of the Legion Activities of the Ames Post in 1932. That summary is reprinted here.
Legion Activities in 1932
During the fiscal year ending October 20, the American Legion in Ames has engaged in a program of civic service of which it is proud. The high lights include the following: The collection, rejuvenation and distribution of 3,000 toys last Christmas, with the appreciated assistance of other groups and individuals. Provided food and clothing to many families and cooperated with Social Service. Conducted, or participated in, funerals for service men of all wars. Held services on Memorial and Armistice Day. Provided speakers for public schools in observance of Washington Bicentennial celebration. Cooperated with 4-H club Achievement Day program. Obtained hospitalization for ex-service men. Obtained employment for local people. Conducted voters’ school. Assisted in radio broadcast dedicated to the disabled in Iowa hospitals. Conducted extensive highway safety campaign. Sponsored junior baseball (won state championship). Extended uniform flag decoration in Ames business district. Shipped car of grain to South Dakota drouth region. Helped finance picnic for people of Story County. Used influence to save tax money spent in Story County. Adopted the policy of asking public support for but one event a year – the home talent show.
“Rainbow of the Rio Grande” is the Legion’s third annual home talent production and should prove the best. The people of Ames and Story County have come to expect the unusual, the extraordinary in Legion productions and each year we spend more time, effort and money in making it the outstanding event of its type in the city. The Legion is grateful to all those who have volunteered their services for this production, and regrets that only a comparatively few could be accepted. We appreciate the excellent work done by the cast and chorus and all who have cooperated to make “Rainbow of the Rio Grande” another success.