At the April 28, 1947 regular meeting, discussion was held on purchasing the International Order of Odd Fellows Building (IOOF) at 225 Main. The Post had been headquartered in that property since 1940, renting space from the IOOF. After lengthy discussion concerning the condition of the building and its boiler, the expenses, income, use of third floor and other matters, the following resolution was passed unanimously.
BE IT RESOLVED by Ames Post #37 of the American Legion that the Commander, C. B. Anderson and the Adjutant, J. D. Springer, be and they are hereby authorized and directed to inter into a real estate contract with the Ames Realty Company, of Ames, Iowa, for the purchase of the building known as the Odd Fellows’ Temple for a sum not exceeding $62,500 and upon terms authorized by the Executive Committee or said Post. The said Commander and Adjutant are hereby authorized to sign, acknowledge, any mortgage given in partial payment and to do all things necessary to complete the purchase of this building.
That building has remained the headquarters of the Ames Post. Initially the clurooms were on the second floor to allow income from rental of the ground floor space. In 1981, the ground floor was remodelled and the clubrooms moved downstairs for handicapped accessibility.
The IOOF designation remains on the front of the building between 2nd and 3rd floor windows. A large brass plaque designating the building as THE AMERICAN LEGION BUILDING is placed at street level. That plaque was donated in memory of Francis Been, Post Commander in 1935-1936.