A group of Ex-Service men met for the purpose of formulating a post. It was moved by W.A. Buttles that the local Chapter be known as the Wenatchee Post until the organization was finally completed when the name could be changed.
Wenatchee was the 10th post in Washington to receive its charter. SInce then it has been known as Wenatchee Post No. 10.
Attached is a list of the men who signed the charter for Wenatchee Post..
The Charter had arrived and C. Warren Reid had moved that a frame be procured. The motion carried.
The First Post Officers were elected
C.E. Chase Post Commander
Authur Lavell Adjutant
Clifford Godfry Vice Commander
D.M. Clark Finance Officer
LaVerne "Pinky" Kaupp Historian
History Written by Raymond..
The Legion members opened the theatre with a home talent production at which seats sold for $1.50 to $5.00. Gene Crider and C. Warren Reid were stars in the grand opening.
The Post netted $500.00 from this event and received a letter of Thanks from the management.
History Written by Raymond Taylor and provided by Wenatchee Valley Museum & Cultural Center
A memorial was created to honor those lost between 1917-1919. The structure was origionally placed on the Veterans Memorial Hall site and later moved to Wenatchee Cemeraaty where it is still located. Exact dates are still to be determined.
In May, 1928 Madam Schumann-Heink (a Czech-born German-American operatic contralto of German Bohemian descent.) made a trip to Wenatchee, WA. While here she and a committe of local Legionnaires planted an elm tree in Memorial Park.
The tree still stands tall in Memoria Park today.
Raymond Taylor was elected Historian and started in to write the first history of Wenatchee Post No. 10 ever to have been written. This history will be sealed in a vault on June 14, 1940, there to remain for 100 years.
History Written by Raymond Taylor and provided by Wenatchee Valley Museum & Cultural Center
In October of 1966 a group of Mothers who had sons enlisted in the NAVY became members this group. They met monthly according to the composition book that was located at our post.
The following were some of the origional members:
Dorothy Person Hemiette Huffman
Jessie Ferguson Clara Rich
Mary Kirby Esther Goosman
LolaSecrest Alice Robertson
Effie Craft ..