Post No. 1 Albany, New York

Post No. 1

Albany, New York

Post No. 1 Albany, New York

About This Post

Post Namesake
Theodore "TR" Roosevelt,Jr. 26th President of the United States.
Notable Members
All men who organized the Department.
What Makes this Post Unique
Post No. 1 membership restricted to the men who attended the Paris and St. Louis Caucus. Later to be used as a holding Post for new members and tranfers to the Department.




American World War Veterans Organize In France

Mar 16, 1919
In a report by the Associated Press, Five hundred officers and enlisted men of the American Expeditionary Force have taken the first action here toward the formation of association of veterans of the world war similar to the G. A. R. A caucus was called to design the machinery for a national convention in America next year and the election of delegates to the convention from the forces now in France. Lieut. Col. Roosevelt is..
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Roosevelt Tells Of New G. A. R.

Mar 17, 1919
Lieut. Col. Theodore Roosevelt of the 28th Infantry , who has been put in charge of organizing in this country an association of officers and enlisted men who have served in the American forces in the world war , gave out a statement at his home on , 165 East Seventy-fourth Street, last night. Colonel Roosevelt said that the meeting in this country for organization would be held about the end of April and that..
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Veterans Hold First Meeting

Apr 3, 1919
A meeting was held in April, 1919 at the temporary national offices of The American Legion, on Nassau Street, New York City. During this meeting, a temporary State Committee was selected. Maj. General John F. O’ Ryan was appointed the temporary state chairmen with Major Cornelius W. Wickersham as acting secretary. These two men with a committee of twenty-one, divided the State into five districts committees and appointed temporary district chairmen for organizing the districts..
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Soldier League Caucus

Apr 10, 1919
Major Cornelius W. Wickersham, announced yesterday that plans were being rushed for the American Legion caucus, to be held in St. Louis on May 8th. Major Wickersham is Secretary of the organization formed of overseas veterans, and chapters are being established in every State. New York State will send 80 delegates to the caucus, with a like number of alternates. More that half of the delegation will be composed of enlisted men. Members of the..
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New York State Organization

May 20, 1919
The preliminary organization of The American Legion in New York State was held at a meeting in the headquarters office, 140 Nassau Street, New York City. The following members were present; Cornelius W. Wickersham, New York; Hamilton Fish, Sr., New York; George Brokaw Compton, New York; Wade H. Hayes, New York; J. Leslie Kincaid, Syracuse; Francis W. Perry, Brooklyn; Harrison Deyo, Yonkers. James F. Goerke, Brooklyn. There most certainly was more than these eight men..
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New York State Organization

New York State Chartered Issued

Jun 9, 1919
The National Organization still in the process of formation, was invested with the power by the St. Louis Caucus, issued the Department of New York its Charter on May 24, 1919. The Charter of a Post of the American Legion in New York State was issued June 9, 1919, It was known as the President Theodore Roosevelt Post No1., the membership being confined to the delegates to the Paris and St. Louis Caucus. By October..
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New State Chairman

Jun 20, 1919
Due to events, the executive committee was changed before the first State Convention. Cornelius W. Wickersham, New York City. (Appointed State Chairman on May 28, 1919. Resigned on June 20, 1919. Later given title of Past Department Commander). Ogden L. Mills, New York City. (Succeeded Wickersham as Department Chairman. He opened the first State Convention. Later given title of Past Department Commander). (Department of New York Records).
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Veterans Hold First State Convention

Oct 10, 1919
The first State Convention was held at the Convention Hall (Old State Armory) Clinton Street, Rochester, New York, October 10th and 11th, 1919, and convened at 10:30 am. The following business was conducted; To ratify or amend the State Constitution. Elect delegates and alternates to the National Convention. Elect two members of the National Executive Committee, to represent New York State. Elect officers of the New York State Branch for the ensuing year. Elect the..
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Kelly First Elected Chaplain

Nov 11, 1919
~ Francis A. Kelly ~ Word has been received at National Headquarters of The American Legion of the recent death of Rev. Francis A. Kelly, the first Elected National Chaplain of The Legion. Father Kelly died October 16. 1931, in Cairo, New York. Where he was pastor of the Sacred Heart Church, as a result of an impairment of health caused by being gassed while in the service during the World War. He was forty-three..
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Kelly First Elected Chaplain


1st Poster.

1st Poster.

Jan 28, 1921
New York's 1st Rehabalitation Committee Poster. By Harold Breul. breul.
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Unknown Soldier Ceremony

Nov 11, 1921
Large crowd gathers at noon for two minutes of silent prayer, Over 1,000 veterans, gold star mother, a large delegation of wounded and crippled soldiers, representatives of 300 American Legion posts, Veterans of the Grand Army of the Republic and other organizations and the general public took the 15,000 seats in Madison Square Garden long before the opening services, and a great crowd gathered in front of the Garden and Madison Square, listening to the..
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Unknown Soldier Ceremony
Marshal Foch Visits New York

Marshal Foch Visits New York

Nov 18, 1921
Photo shown, Marshal Foch and American Legion Committee, November 19, 1921. From left, Marshal Foch, Military Aide, (back to camera) State Commander William F. Deegan, (unknown), Henry W. Buxton, De Lancey Kountz, and George W. Wingate.(driver unknown). Marshal Foch was a guest for about seven weeks, of The American Legion in his visit to the United States in 1921. Being a guest of The Legion, no restrictions was put on the Marshal, he was free..
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National Dinner.

May 17, 1922
National Commander Alvin Owsley was honored with a dinner held for him at the Hotel Commodore in New York City.
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National Dinner.


May 30, 1923
Veterans march at Memorial Day Parade in New York City.
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Parade Float.

Jun 23, 1923
The American Legion's entry in the Silver Jubilee Parade, New York City. (note womens hat).
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Parade Float.
Rehabilitation Poster

Rehabilitation Poster

Oct 25, 1925
This poster depicting the part The American Legion has in aiding disabled and needy World War veterans will be placed in all post offices of the Country. The poster reproduced here was awarded second prize in a contest conducted by the legion for posters best showing the part the Legion has in the rehabilitation of veterans. It was designed by Lloyd F. Britt, Veterans’ Bureau, Washington, D. C. October 25, 1925. This is a scanned..
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Stember Elected Adjutant

Jul 6, 1927
Foreseeing the need for large-scale veteran organization as a result of the public apathy toward servicemen of that era, he became a member of the William Clinton Story Post, No. 342, Freeport, New York. Mr. Stember displayed a vital interest in the formation of The American Legion. As a consequence, he was elected Adjutant of the New York Department at the State Convention in Troy, New York in 1927. Mr. Stember would hold that position..
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Stember Elected Adjutant
New York in Paris

New York in Paris

Sep 19, 1927
The ninth National Convention was held September 19-22. 1927, in Paris France. The Legion sent a large delegation of upwards to thirty thousand Legionnaires, their wives and guests. The visit was a continuous round of dinners, tours, official meetings and the parade, held on the first day, which up to that time was the largest parade held by the legion. It is estimated that over a million people witnessed the gala event. The Convention which..
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Spafford Elected National Commander

Sep 22, 1927
Edward Elwell Spafford of New York State was elected National Commander, of The American Legion, at the 9h National Convention, being held in Paris France on September 22, 1927. Edward was born March 12, 1878, in Springfield, Vermont. His parents were Hiram Duncan and Georgiana Fowler Spafford. He attended Public schools in Springfield, VT. Graduated U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, 1901. Columbia Law School, 1915-1916. His Military Service was, Rose to Lieutenant Commander, U.S. Navy; resigned..
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Spafford Elected National Commander


Erie County Officers

Erie County Officers

Jul 17, 1934
The Erie County Officers, pause for photo during the 16th Annual Department Convention held in Buffalo this year. Members from left are, Charles Knowles, Bugler: Frank Stockman, Vice Commander: Casmir Partyka, Vice Commander: John S. Stephenson, Sgt-at-Arms: Commander, John J. Sweeney: George B. Wildridge, Chaplain: Frank L. Holliman, Finance Officer: Dion T. Rahill, Judge Advocate: Thomas J. Catty, Adjutant: Carl E. Weber, Vice Commander. Erie County hosted the convention this year.
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