Photo shown, Marshal Foch and American Legion Committee, November 19, 1921. From left, Marshal Foch, Military Aide, (back to camera) State Commander William F. Deegan, (unknown), Henry W. Buxton, De Lancey Kountz, and George W. Wingate.(driver unknown).
Marshal Foch was a guest for about seven weeks, of The American Legion in his visit to the United States in 1921.
Being a guest of The Legion, no restrictions was put on the Marshal, he was free to choose and meet the many organizations that wanted to meet and entertain him.
Upon arriving in the morning, at Penn Station in New York City, between 8 and 9 o’clock on the 18th of November the Marshall was taken to the home of De Lancy Kountze, a member of the National Distinguished Guests Committee, and the Reception Committee for New York State. Mr. Kountze had offered his home to the Marshal during his stay in the city.
The visit was mostly for the Marshal to meet and greet the various organizations in and around New York City. On Friday afternoon a press conference was held at the Kountz home, the Marshal then greeted the Salvation Army headed by Commander Booth. Then a meeting with the Jewish delegation, headed by Rabbi Silverman. Luncheon with the Union Interallie, at Sherry’s on 48th Street. Visit’s the 7th Regt. Armory to greet New York City school children. Lays wreaths at the Jeanne Arc statue and Grants Tomb. On to New York University where he receives a degree. Attends the Iron and Steel Institute Dinner at the Hotel Commodore.
On Saturday, November 19th, he receives representatives of Federated Council of Churches of Christ and La Bienbeune Francaise at the Kountz home. Visit’s the Theodore Roosevelt birth place at E. 20th Street. Lunch with the Pennsylvania Society at Waldorf Astoria. Visits Columbia University. Lays cornerstone for permanent home for the Arts and Letters home at Riverside Drive. Dinner by the France American Society at the Waldorf Astoria, Meeting with Miss Anne Morgan head of the Devastated France Association at the Capitol Theater.
On Sunday the 20th, the day started with Mass at St. Patrick’s Church. Then visits to Fordham University and the Academy of the Sacred Heart. Lunch at the Kuntz home. Address the Army and Navy Club. Meets with delegation of French Societies at the Plaza Hotel. French Societies Dinner at the Plaza Hotel. Attends the formal Reception of the American Legion for the Marshall at the Hippodrome, The meeting was presided over by the Chairman, Sydney G. Gumpertz, Bishop Brent offered the invocation and in addition to Marshal Foch the Honorable Martin W. Littleton addressed the meeting. The Peoples Liberty Chores of over 400 voices and the New York Symphony Orchestra furnished the music. 230 wounded soldiers from Fox Hills Polyclinic and Marine Hospitals were the guests of the Legion while many patriotic societies were represented. The Marshal leaves the Hippodrome for Penn Station at 10:00 pm.
By all accounts, the Marshal Foch visit to New York City was an unqualified success, In his report the Chairman, Ogden L. Mills, had only praise for all members of the Committee on Reception to Marshal Foch, and the Sub-committee on the Reception at the Hippodrome. Members of these committees are a who’s who of the organization of the Department of New York American Legion.
Members of the Committee on Reception to Marshal Foch. Chairman, Ogden L. Mills, Henry W. Buxton, Lucian S. Breckinridge, Snowden A. Fahnestock, George A. Wingate, H. Allister Morriss, Francis L. Robbins, William B. Stacom, Col. Frank Evans, William F. Deegan, Theodore Roosevelt, Lorillard Spencer, Elliot C. Bacon, Cornelius Wickersham, Dr. Edward Adams, Wade H. Hayes, Dr. Richard derby, Sydney G. Gumpertz, Roger Winthrop, Edward J. Kelly, Jr., Robert M. Watkins, James M. Blackwell, Charles I. De Bovoise, Peter Seerey, Richmond L. Brown, James P. Cooke.
Members of the Sub-Committee for the Reception at the Hippodrome. Chairman, Sydney G. Gumpertz, Dr. Edward Adams, Elliot C. Bacon, Francis L. Robbins, Jr., George A. Wingate, Lorillard Spencer, H. R. Winthrop, Cornelius W. Wickersham.
This text is part of the report of Ogden L. Mills, Chairman, Committee on Reception to Marshal Foch. Sent to Thomas J. Brady, County Chairman, New York County Committee, American Legion, New York City, November 30th, 1921.
(Both Text and Photo), from “The Legion Annual” New York State, 1922. By Sydney G. Gumpertz. Editor.