Foreseeing the need for large-scale veteran organization as a result of the public apathy toward servicemen of that era, he became a member of the William Clinton Story Post, No. 342, Freeport, New York. Mr. Stember displayed a vital interest in the formation of The American Legion. As a consequence, he was elected Adjutant of the New York Department at the State Convention in Troy, New York in 1927. Mr. Stember would hold that position for the next 48 years, until his retirement in 1975. Because of his long experience in Legion programs and activities, he has acted as mentor and advisor to many National Commanders, National Executive Committeemen and Legion staff members on the highest executive level.
A product of the excellent Brooklyn public school system of the time, he distinguished himself as an outstanding amateur athlete, excelling and later officiating in basketball, baseball and football, both during his school and post-school career. His early interest in sports undoubtedly accounts for his pioneering in the formation of what is now the Nation’s largest youth athletic activity, Legion Junior Baseball.
Named New York Department Commander in 1952. Named National Commander of The American Legion in 1975.
In World War I he served with Headquarters Company, 304th Field Artillery, and “F” Company, 305th Infantry, both units of the famous 77th Division, the New York Division.
He was married in 1922 to the former Madylin Heckler. Maurice Stember, was born in Brooklyn, NY, America’s largest borough, on June 12, 1894. He died at his home, ln Baldwin, Long Island, on January 1, 1976, he was 81 years old.