Keith Clevenger, commander of Francis Scott Key Post 11 in Frederick, Md., has reported on his installation and what makes it so special:

“On July 3, 2018, American Legion Post 11 reached a milestone that not many Legion posts can claim: Post 11 has never had a repeat commander in its nearly 100 years since being chartered (on July 19, 1919). After being installed on July 3, I became Post 11’s 100th commander for The American Legion's 100th year. Also, my wife, Jami Clevenger, was installed as Unit 11's American Legion Auxiliary president, making this the fourth time in Post 11's history that a husband and wife have served as post commander and Auxiliary president at the same time.

“A couple of years after my transfer to Post 11, the post wanted me to be commander. For about 15 years I put it off by telling them I wanted to be the 100th commander during the 100th American Legion anniversary, so I had to wait. But the time has come for my turn as commander. Through the years I have held several officer positions and been have on various committees getting ready to do the best job I can.

“There is no written rule about never repeating as commander – it’s something everybody just went along with. When I transferred to Post 11 I was told that they expected 150 percent out of their commander, and they didn't think that could be done for two years in a row.”

View the post’s Centennial Celebration page at