While serving on The American Legion’s National Membership and Post Activities Committee, Abe Abrahamson of Idaho was assigned to work with a few departments on their five-year membership plan. During this time he noticed that their respective websites were not easy to navigate and were lacking the necessary tools to recruit and retain members, and to provide information on Legion programs and resources. Then he looked at his own department’s website to compare.
“I was deeply disappointed like most people that went to our site. It was no way simple or easy to navigate, and I wondered how many people went to our site and then moved on,” said Abrahamson, Department of Idaho adjutant.
This prompted Abrahamson to have a conversation with the Legion’s Marketing, Media and Communications Division staff on the best way to build a user and mobile-friendly website that was cost-effective and focused on recruiting. After National Headquarters staff understood the Department of Idaho’s vision for their website, a template was devised that mirrored the National Headquarters website (www.legion.org), then put into place and recently launched with great success.
“We have had several people join (The American Legion) off the site and a lot of people call and comment on it,” Abrahamson said. “This fall we will be expanding our billboard (membership recruiting) program to drive people to our new site.”
The Department of Idaho’s new mobile-friendly website, www.legion.org/idaho, highlights the department’s latest news, upcoming events, youth programs and support services; provides information about the Legion; and offers direct links to quickly join the Legion, a Legion Riders chapter, the Auxiliary or Sons of The American Legion.
And now the website template is available for other departments to replicate. For more information on this, please email mm&c@legion.org.
“I believe that this platform will help a lot of states get into The American Legion 2.0,” Abrahamson said.