The 100th American Legion National Convention in 2018 will kick off a 15-month
commemoration to honor the organization’s first century of service and propel it into
it's second.
Minneapolis, home of the 1st American Legion National Convention in 1919, will host the 100th National Convention Aug. 24-30, 2018. Other centennial events and activities will be conducted at
the national, department and post levels through the 101st National Convention in Indianapolis Aug. 23-29, 2019. The celebration finale will be on Veterans Day 2019.
On the local level, this 15-month celebration offers posts the opportunity to celebrate their legacy, enhance The American Legion brand, and foster a new era of growth and resonance within their communities.
National headquarters will be rolling out many tools to help posts organize, plan and share their legacy. These tools will be available at the 100th Anniversary booth at the 95th National Covention in Houston and on The American Legion Centennial Celebration website under the "Tools" link.