On August 12, 1921, fifteen World War veterans from the DeForest and Morrisonville Wisconsin area filed an application for a post in DeForest Wisconsin to be knows as the Edward Olson Post 348, after DeForest's first casulty during the war. The fifteen names listed in order that they appear on the application are: Everett C. Gerry, Alfred S. Nordness, Joseph I. Bosben, Lester H. Nicolls, Adolph J. Tenjum, Christian A. Slindee, Nels Peterson, James Tompson,..
On April 7, 1948, the Edward Olson Post 348 filed an application for a charter in the name of Olson-Grinde Post 348 in DeForest, Wisconsin. The following post officers were listed on the application: Wayne G. Russell - Commander, Anders Roisem - Vice Commander, Carl J. Nordahl - Adjutant, Alfred P. Wenger - Finance Officer, Alfred L. F. Anderson - Chaplain, Willard Moran - Sergeant-at-Arms, Earl A. Larson - Historian, and John M. Grinde -..
In February 1968, seventeen men received approval of the Olson-Grinde Post 348, DeForest Wisconsin to apply for a Sons of tThe American Legion Squadron Charter. Post Commander John E. Brickwell signed the application. It was received at Department of Wisconsin Headquarters on February 14, 1968. Department Commander Martin T. Jansen endorsed it on March 1, 1968. National Adjutant William F. Hauck endorsed it back to the Department of Wisconsin on March 6, 1968.