On August 12, 1921, fifteen World War veterans from the DeForest and Morrisonville Wisconsin area filed an application for a post in DeForest Wisconsin to be knows as the Edward Olson Post 348, after DeForest's first casulty during the war. The fifteen names listed in order that they appear on the application are: Everett C. Gerry, Alfred S. Nordness, Joseph I. Bosben, Lester H. Nicolls, Adolph J. Tenjum, Christian A. Slindee, Nels Peterson, James Tompson, Benjamin Bosben, John Myhre, Ole Olson, Edgar Nicolls, Joseph O. Engeseth, Joseph E. Ease, and Elmer J. Schulz. On September 7, 1921, Department of Wisconsin Commander Edward J. Barrett forwarded the charter to Everett C. Gerry.