Saturday February 23, 2019. Annual Sweepstake. Doors open at 7pm. Dance starts at 8pm. Sweepstakes drawing value of $25,000.00. 1100 tickets sold at $25.00 per ticket. 193 winners. Odds 1 out of 6. Grand prize is $5000.00 cash. Each ticket entitles purchaser a chance to win one of the 193 prizes and the purchaser and a guest admission to the country western band dance.
1. Bob Kucera and Jay Youngbluth salute all tha Air Force Radar Vets at 8 pm February 23, while they were at our American Legion 30th annu sweepstakes drawing. 2/23/2019.
2. Legion Auxiliary presents cancer society a check. L-R Margie Stone, Arlis Kufka and Linda Youngbluth.
3. 2019 officers elected. L- Treasure Dan Greunwald, Commander Robert Kucera, Adjutant Clayton Rodas and 1st Vice Commander Dennis Clemens.