1. Legion and Auxiliary members working the fun day for family members of the National Guard's 155th who were activated to the Middle East. From L-R standing Linda Youngbluth, Norma Horner, Jay Youngbluth, Merle Stone, Arnold Horner, Bob and Barb Kucera. L-R setting Barb Clemans, Margie Stone and Juanita Stone. 1-24-2016. 2. During the monthly meeting Thursday 1-21-2016 Legionnaire Robert Soukup a Korean War Veteran was presented the Korean Ambassador Peace Medal. 3. Bob Kucera presenting State Commander Hanson a check for popcorn for the Veterans Home. Adjutant Brendon in background. 2-13-2016. 4. Bob K, Greg G and Jay Y at go-getters banquet. 5. Wagner delegation at Mid-Winter Conference in Huron SD. Gary & Jan Coleman, Jay Youngbluth, Kathy and Greg Geimsn, Barb and Bob Kucera. 6. Legion Seeepstakes 2-20-2016. John Stone, Charmon Dunham (will draw for Grand Prize), Bob Kucera, Merle Stone and Arnold Horner. 7. Barb Kucera, Bob Kucera and Jay Youngbluth at joint banquet mid-winter conference Huron SD. 2-13-2016. 8. Auxiliary made a cake for the Legion's birthday. 3-17-2016 9. Roll five of a kind and win half of the pot. Half of the pot goes to the Legion Foundation. One roll per person meeting night. 25 cents a roll. 10. Legion members at Dist 8 Spting meeting 4-10-2016 far left side Gary Coleman, Greg Geiman, Clayton Rodas, Mark Weichmann. Far right side Merle Stone, Bob Kucera, Vern Sip and Richard Harvorka. Not pictured Jay Youngbluth. 11. Legion Aux. the members at Dist 8 Spting meeting 4-10-2016. Standing L-R Jan Coleman , Linda Youngbluth and Jaunita Stone. Sitting L-R Barb Kucera and Kahty Geiman. 12. Greg Geiman being sworn in as Dist Vice Commander for 2016/17. 13. Officers elected for 2016/17. L-R Chaplin Arnold Horner, Commander Mark Wiechmann, Vice Commander Dennis Clemens, and Adjudant Clayton Rados. Not pictured is Treasury Dan Gruenwald. 14. Don Kotab conducting Boys State Orentation PowerPoint. 5-1-2016. 15. Boys State Orentation 5-1-2016. 16. Girls State Orentation 5-1-2016. 17. LaVern Rezac was selected as District Legionaire of the year 4-10-2016. 18. Greg Geiman attending District Commander Seminar 4-30-2016. 19. Fish Day parade Lake Andes, SD. 6-4-2016. Merle Stone, Mark Weichmann and Jay Youngbluth. 20. On the floor at the AL State Convention Watertown SD Greg Geiman, Merle Stone and Vern Sip. 6-18-2016. 21. LaVern Rezac receiving the District 8 Legionair of the Year Certificate at the AL State Convention Watertown SD. 22. National Commander Dale Barnett and State Commander Terry Hanson at the Go-Getters banquet. 23. District 8 Aux Vice President Kathy Geiman and District 8 Aux President Jan Coleman going to be sworn in. 6-19-2016. 24. Jay Youngbluth, Bob Kucera, Vern Sip and Merle Stone getting ready to leave for Wagner at the close of the Convention. 6-19-2016 25. Charemon Dunham was elected Department Commander for 2016/2017 at the 98th Annual State Convention 6-19-2016. 26. Some of the American Legion Patches, National Commander Pins, State Commander Pins, National Convention Pins, State Convention Pins, Awards and other memorabilia. The AL vest belongs to Jay Youngbluth. Collected over 50 years. 27. Jan Coleman District 8 Aux President attending meeting at the National Convention in Cincinnati, OH. 28. Jan Coleman and Melanie Martins on Convention floor in Cincinnati OH. 29. Scotland parade 8-13-2016. 30. Members of Greer #11 putting the Legion news letter " Reveille " out. 9-9-2016. 31. Merle Stone, Bob Kucera and Jay Youngbluth with the Legion jeep in the Delmont parade. 9-11-016. 32. Flag Retirement program at the Wagner Lake. Retired nearly 500 flags followed by an all Veterans picnic. 9-18-2016 33. District 8 Fall meeting in Tyndall SD 9-24-2016. L-R Merle Stone, Bob Kucera, Mark Wiechman, Jay Youngbluth, Greg Geiman and Vern Sip. 34. Crocheted US flag donated by Delma Slaba 2016. 35. Bingo at Human Services Center Yankton Nov,2016. LR Denny Clemens, Barb Clemens Norm Cihak, Barb Kucera,Jay Youngbluth,Linda Youngbluth,Judy Cihak,(?)Margie Havorka,Irene Havorka, and Jan Coleman. 36. Auxiliary membership awards 2016, L-R Norma Horner, Linda Youngbluth, Sandy Seiner, Carol Tolliver and Mame Crisman.



2. Robert Soukup receiving his Ambassador Peace Medal.


3.Bob Kucera presenting a check to Commander Hanson.


4. Bob K , Greg G and Jay Y at Go-Getters banquet.


5. Delegates to Mid-Winter Conference.


6. John Stone, Charmon Dunham, Bob Kucera, Merle Stone and Arnold Horner.


7. Barb Kucera, Bob Kucera and Jay Youngbluth at joint banquet


8. Auxiliary made a cake for Legion birthday.


9. Split pot for Legion Foundation.


10. Legion members at Dist 8 Spting meeting 4-10-2016.


Legion Aux. the members at Dist 8 Spting meeting 4-10-2016.


12. Greg Geiman being sworn in as Dist Vice Commander.


13. Officers elected for 2016/2017.


14. Don Kotab conducting Boys State Orentation PowerPoint.


15. Boys State Orentation


16. Girls State Orentation.


17. LaVern Rezac was selected as District Legionaire of the year.


18. Greg Geiman attending District Commander Seminar.


19. Fish Day parade Lake Andes, SD


20. On the floor at the AL State Convention


21. LaVern Rezac receiving Legionair of the year certificate.


22. National Command & State Commander at go-getters banquet.


23. Vice President Kathy Geiman & President Jan Coleman getting sworn in.


24. Jay, Bob, Vern & Merle getting ready to leave for home from State Conv.


25. Newly elected Department Commander Charemon Dunham.


26. Some of the American Legion Memorable.


27. Jan Coleman at National Convention Cincinnati OH.


28. Jan Coleman and Melanie Martins on Convention floor.


29. Scotland parade 8-13-2016.


30. Members of Greer #11 putting the Legion news letter together.


31. Merle Stone, Bob Kucera and Jay Youngbluth at Delmont parade.


32. Flag Retirement program at the Wagner Lake.


33. District 8 Fall meeting in Tyndall SD 9-24-2016.


34. Crocheted Flag donated by Delma Slaba 2016


35. Bingo at Yankton Human Services Center Nov. 2016


36. Auxiliary Membership awards 2016


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