2. Bob & Barb Kucera 50th wedding anniversary cake.
3. Linda Youngbluth & Mark Wiechmann with Legion Birthday cake.
4. Randy and Gin Thaler, Dan and Carolyn Kocer received Gold Star Banners
5. Bob Kucera and Arnold Horner at the District 8 Spring meeting
6. Memorial Day. Pastor Laurie Kidd
7. Clayton Rados reading roll call.
8. AL Aux and VFW Aux placing poppies for deceased veterans.
9. Legion & Legion Riders at Fish Days parade
10. American Legion Riders Bikes and Trikes
11. Memorial Day Horner Guard 2017.
12. Merle Stone acting Sgt. at Arms Memorial Day 2017.
13. Lunch served in America Legion Hall after Memorial Day Service's.
14. Wagner's chapter of the American Legion Riders.
15. Go Getter Banquet State Legion Convention
16. Jay Youngbluth with candidate for National Commander Denise Rohan.
17. Hugh Holmes homecoming July 22, 2017.
18. June and Merle Stone at Hugh's homecoming.
19. Jay Youngbluth, Vern Sip and daughter Lisa at Hugh's homecoming.
20. $500. Scholarship recipients with Americanism Officer.
21. Wagner Labor Day Veterans Ride 9-2-2017
22. Group photo Legion Veteran Riders.
23. Jeep and trailer in Wagner Labor Day Parade.
24. Getting ready to ride with the American Legion Riders in the Labor Day Parade. 9/04/17.
25. Auxiliary Birthday Cake. 11-16-2017
26. PDC Vern Sip swearing in newly elected Post Commander Bob Kucera.
27. L-R Jay Youngbluth and Gene Dressler receive 50 year plaque.
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