1. Bob Kucera and Jay Youngbluth at the the 30th Legion Sweepstakes toasting Air Force Open Bottle Night to all AF Radar Veterans 2/23/2019. 2. Legion Auxiliary donated to the Cancer Society. L-R Margie Stone, Arlis Kufka and Linda Youngbluth. 3. 2019 Elected Officers. L-R Treasure Dan Greunwald, Commander Robert Kucera, Adjutant Clayton Rados and 1st Vice Commander Dennis Clemens. 4. Putting up the Avenue of Flags for Memorial Day 2019. L-R Tony Krcil, Melvin Horner, Jay Youngbluth, Jerry Seiner, Bob Kucera, Mark Roberts, Mark Weichmann, Nathan Kucera, Bruce Specter, Barb Kucera, Rick Zolnowsky, Paul Kucera, Don Koran and Clayton Rados. 5. Memorial Day Program Welcome given by Legion Commander Robert Kucera. 6.Audience at the memorial day program. 7. Betty “Sam” Vaughn gave the Address for the Memorial Day Program. 8. Music was by the boys and girls club, the violin group Kathryn Doom, Jennifer Barnett and Monroe Kessler with instructor Esther Meader. 9. Legion auxiliary in the VFW auxiliary place poppies for each deceased as roll call is read. Sandy Seiner, Barb Clemens, Carol Tolliver and Linda Youngbluth. 10. Placing of the reef for the unknown soldier Linda Yungbluth and Carol Tolliver. 11. Honor Guard L-R Greg Gieman, Dennis Clemens, Russell Stone, Melvin Horner, Mark Wiechmann, LaVern Rezac and Sergeant of Arms Merle Stone, Taps Norman Cihak. 12. AM Legion Riders stopping at Wagner Post 11 to present a citation and for Commander Kucera to sign the Northern half banner. 8-2-19. 13. Commander Kucera signing the Northern half of the Centennial Banner 8-2-19. 14. State Commander Fred Nelson with National Vice Commander presenting Wagner Commander the Centennial Post Certificate. 15. AL Riders Commander Bruce Spector presents a $500.00 check presents to the Wagner Cancer Society.. 16. State Commander Fred Nelson and wife Michelin’e in Wagner for the Labor Day Parade. 17. Plaque awarded to Wagner AL for being a Centennial Post 100 year chartered post. 18. AL Post Commander Robert Kucera presents ALA with a 100th year birthday cake. L-R Rita Krcil, Barb Clemens, Sue Isebrands, Marlene Stone, Kathy Zolnowsky , Norma Horner, Delores Kotab, Bonnie Soukup, Margie Stone, Bob Kucera, Barb Kucera and Kathy Gieman. 11/21/19. 19. Wagner Legion members sponsoring bingo at the Human Service Center in Yankton SD. L-R Bob Kucera, Dennis Clemens, Barb Kucera, John Stone, Barb Kucera, Norman Cihak, Margie Stone, Judy Cihak, Clayton Rados and Robert Kisley.. 11/21/19. 20. Dennis Clemens, Merle Stone and Clayton Rados ready to run the float in the Parade of Lights in Wagner’s Parade. 12/14/2019.



2. Legion Auxiliary donated to Cancer society.


3. Installation of Officers for 2019.


4. Placing Avenue of Flags for Memorial Day 2019.


5. Memorial day program, Welcome given by Robert Kucera


6. Audience at the memorial day program


7. Betty “Sam”Vaughn delivering the Address.


8. Music by the boys and girls club the violin group


9. Placing puppies for each deceased Veteran.


10. Placing of the reef for the unknown soldier.


11. Honor Guard 2019.


12. Legion Riders group stopped at Wagner Post .


13. Commander Kucera signing the Northern half of the Centennial Banner


14. Commander Kucera receiving the centennial post certificate.


15. ALR Commander Bruce Spector presenting check.


16. State Co. Fred and Micheline Nelson Labor Day.


17. Plaque for 100 year charter post.


18. CO Bob K presents ALAux a 100 year birthday cake.


19. Wagner AL & Aux at Human Service Center.


20. Denny, Merle and Clayton at Parade of Lights.


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