2. Legion Auxiliary donated to Cancer society.
3. Installation of Officers for 2019.
4. Placing Avenue of Flags for Memorial Day 2019.
5. Memorial day program, Welcome given by Robert Kucera
6. Audience at the memorial day program
7. Betty “Sam”Vaughn delivering the Address.
8. Music by the boys and girls club the violin group
9. Placing puppies for each deceased Veteran.
10. Placing of the reef for the unknown soldier.
11. Honor Guard 2019.
12. Legion Riders group stopped at Wagner Post .
13. Commander Kucera signing the Northern half of the Centennial Banner
14. Commander Kucera receiving the centennial post certificate.
15. ALR Commander Bruce Spector presenting check.
16. State Co. Fred and Micheline Nelson Labor Day.
17. Plaque for 100 year charter post.
18. CO Bob K presents ALAux a 100 year birthday cake.
19. Wagner AL & Aux at Human Service Center.
20. Denny, Merle and Clayton at Parade of Lights.
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