Parkers Crossroads Post 286 will be selling hot dogs and hamburgers from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. to support the New Chartered Post and
Funeral Honors Team. We have had 3 funerals with our combined honors team, if you would like to be part of this mission need not to
join our post. Only required uniform is a white shirt, black pants and your service cover. We have AmLeg, VFW, AmVets, Marine Corps
League, VVA 995 and DAV members all are welcomed. Contact Post CMDR Rex C. McBee, Color Guard Captain Art Hemby or Adjutant
Reno Rossignol.
McBee 731-968-3927
Rossignol 731-967-5361
Hemby 731-602-0554
View more history for Post 286 in Parkers Crossroads, Tennessee