![Department Commander's 2016-2017 Message](https://centennial.legion.org/sites/centennial/files/event/Department_Commander_Nancy_Harper_2016_0.jpg)
The Four Pillars of The American Legion Represents the goals and vision for The American Legion and The Department of Tennessee. A strong National Defense, Taking Care of Veterans, Mentoring our Youth and Promoting Americanism.
We can achieve these goals, first with the DEDICATION of our members. This will have to start with our Department Officers and Department Chairmen. We will make the resources available to pass on to the Posts and Members. The communication must be through The Chain of Command to be successful. We will communicate from the Department, to the Division, to the District, to the Local Post and to the Member. Taking care of our members being the key part of our vision statement. We must always be aware of the needs of our organization, our members, our military, our youth and making our communities a safer place to live.
Staying Involved and working as team, The American Legion, The Sons of The American Legion, The American Legion Auxiliary, we can achieve our goals. Staying involved and focused on the all-important Legion Programs, i.e. American Legion Riders promoting membership and raising funds for the American Legion Legacy fund the opportunities are endless.
Through American Legion Baseball, Oratorical, Junior Shooting Sports, and Boys Nation we project the true perception and a positive image of who we are and what we do. Let’s remember the families of our veterans that may be enduring the loss of loved one while serving in harm’s way, as well as those Missing in Action or have become a Prisoner of War; we’re asking the US government to Stay Involved until all Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, and Airmen are returned to their loved ones.
I realize we’re going to face many challenges…I look forward to our meeting and overcoming those with contributions from EACH and EVERY member. Ultimately...have FUN!
Tennessee Department Commander