In December of 2009, Autress Russell, Post 27 received a permanent home, located at 2994 Summer Avenue. The property was donated by Mrs. Sue Eubanks of Eubanks Lumber Company.
Some of the members of the Post gathered in January 2010 to clean and prepare the building for the first meeting on the fourth Tuesday of the month. We noticed a lot of work had to be done in order for us to be ready for the meeting.
The following members met: Horace Exum, Fred Lynn, Lester Jackson, George Harper, Nancy Harper, and Kelly McDuffie. The first thing we noticed was that we were going to need furniture, fix the roof, and paint the entire building. This was beginning to be a bigger task than we expected. Especially since we had no money to work with.
So, we started with the things that we could do without spending money and that was to do basic cleaning. We grabbed mops and brooms and went to work. We also have had the following high school students, Malcolm Brown and Marcel Kelly to help with moving and cleaning furniture around our post. The next thing we did was look for companies that were going out of business so we could purchase or have them donate their furniture to us. We got lucky quick. A bar going out of business heard of our situation and sold us tables, chairs, glassware, plants, a pool table for a very reasonable amount. Then our Department Headquarters donated some furniture to us because they were building a new building and wanted to get rid of the old furniture.