A small, but representative group of dele-
gate to the 33rd anual Convention of the
American Legion Department of Tennessee is pic-
tured above.
More than 50 colored posts were represent-
ed at this meeting, which is the 11th District. The
first two rows include the officials for the ensuing,
year, along with past officials and Legion wives.
Included among these are: Mrs. Mamie P. Con-
way, President, Ladies Auxiliary to the Ameri-
can Legion, 11th District, from Knoxville, Tennes-
see; Commander Hobart Shand, Mountain Home,
Tennessee; Dr. R, Q. Venson, Past Commander,
11 th District, Memphis; Dr. W. H. Panel, Past
Commander, 11 th District, Clarksville; Jessie Bar-
rom, Chattanooga, past Commander, 11th Dis-
trict; Grover C. Burson, Post Commander, Post 27,
Beale Avenue, Memphis; B. L. Hooks, Adjutant
and finance officer, 11th District, Memphis; Je-
rome Higgins, Deputy District Commander, East
Tennessee; p. W. Cook, District Commander for
the ensuing year.