The Legion Hall was built almost entirely by the Legion men themselves. It has given Delmont one of its finest facilities. It is available for weddings, dances, and all sorts of gatherings and dinners, besides being the "home" for the Post and Auxiliary. Both ladies and men worked endlessly too pay the debt by serving dinners, rabbit hunts, jamborees, and farming some land for it. Now it is entirely debt free. The space where the Hall is located was once occupied by two building which were destroyed by fire in 1940. The first of these two buildings was a two story wooden sore. At the time it burned it was a Farmer's Union Store, with H. Teske and E. Kosock in charge. It had been built as a Pool Room that even boosted a Bowling Alley. June Scheffer ran it, but there is no history after they left Delmont and went to the west coast, until Farmer's Union.
The other building next to the west was almost obscure as to its beginning and uses. Warnke's Meat Market was in it once, and when autos came into being, it was the Shaw and Hansen Garage. It's last years was a cream station, with Bill Semmler, then Em. Witt and lastly Ben Welk had it when it burned down.
The Legion built a two story hall at the cost of nearly $14,000 for material, plus all donated labor.
The mortgage burning ceremonies and open house was held on October 28, 1960, with District 7 Commander Aisenbrey of Menno, and State Commander Lenker as the quest speakers.