gerrie,marlene,and linda passing out dictionaries.
3.servers at Aux. Christmas dinner 12-11-13 Yankton, SD
4.Linda Y and Kathy H serving desert at Christmas dinner 12-11-13 at the Auxiliary Christmas dinner Yankton,SD 12-11-13.
6.serving line at Auxiliary Christmas dinner Yankton SD 12-11-13.
7.Jan and Juanita giving out valentine cards to vets
8.Jan and Juanita giving another card to a 'veteran at the good sam home
9.Shirley and Kathyrne at birthday party in legion hall
10.Kathy G & Linda Y in Convention Hall 2014
11.Mayme C, Linda Y, Janet K, Margie S working cancer lunch stand.
12.Auxillary President Linda Y displaying Aux birthday cake 2014
13.Dist President Kathy G. presenting an award in Centerville, SD. 9-2014
14.Dist President Kathy G at Fall Dist Meeting in Centerville,SD 9-2014
15.Jan C and Linda Y presented the story of the White Table to the boys and girls club.
16.Legion Aux Memorial Day Services
17.Legion and VFW Auxiliaries placing poppies
18.Legion and VFW Auxiliary Presidents advancing the Reef of the Unknown Soldier
19.Audieance attending the Memorial Day Services.
20.Working lunch stand for Cancer rummage sale for Make a Difference Day Project.
21.Legion Auxillary birthday cake. November 2015
22.Legion Auxiliary donated lunch funds of $420.00
23.Legion Auxillary presented Blue Star Banners
24.Fun day for the dependents of the 155th Engineering.
25.Fun day with the 155th.
26.Lunch for members of the 155th.
27.Auxiliary presenting Blue Star Banners.
28. More recipients of the Blue Star Banner.
29. Gifts to Boys & Girls Club. Juanita S, Linda Y, Barb W, & Jan C.
30. Presentation of Check to Cancer Society from American Legion Auxiliary.
31. District Eight President Jan Coleman presiding over the meeting.
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