The 10th meeting of the Post was held June 2017 at Cruzin Reubenz. Guest speaker Lancaster County Councilman Terry Graham spoke about county activity. He also answered questions about zoning, growth and new business coming into the area. Jim Reese reported on US Flags that were placed at veteran grave sites for Memorial Day. Richard Steininger reported on Poppy sales, $450.20 was collected. Judge Advocate Joel Mandell reported on the status of the burial plot donated to the Post. The plot is located at Crown Memorial Park. It was noted that plots sell for about $1700. A motion was made, seconded, to sell the plot. It was approved by the membership. A motion was made, seconded, to approve the Constitution and By-Laws governing our Post. The motion was approved by the membership. Three members of our Post received Quilt of Valor, this month at Sun City, honoring their service. They are Jack Clay, Denver Tenney and John Blackwelder. Post 250 was involved in 5 community projects in May. The Harvest Food Bank, Poppy Sales, US Flags placements and Wreath Ceremonies at veteran grave sites, and the clean up and restoration of grave sites at the Old Six Mile Cemetery. Sherry Reese, spouse of member Jim Reese, donated to the Post a US Flag, pole and stand in Honor of her father. Adjutant William Chick was named Legionnaire of the Year and Membership Recruiter of the Year at the Department convention. This is the third time that Adjutant William chick has been awarded Legionnaire of the Year.
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