D-Day battles came with a high cost of human life- over 209,000 Allied casualties, with another 200,000 German casulaties and an estimated 200,000 Germans captured. 15,000-20,000 French civillians also lost their lives during the fighting.
The Battle of Normandy was the main thrust of Operation OVERLORD, which also included landings at Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno, and Sword beaches. The Normandy invasion was a key objective in the plan to drive the Germans from their 4 year foot hold of France.
Losing the Battle of Normandy would have had a devastating effect on the Allied Forces in WWII and beyond. Thanks to the bravery and grit of those called upon, the battle was won, causing German retreat and preventing Soviet control of both Northern and Western Europe.
Robert L. Eckert lies at peace in Normandy with his grave site marked by a brilliant white cross. He is still remembered and honored for his service and sacrifices for his country.
9,000 Allied troops had fallen that day during heavy fighting at Normandy. Fighting against the well fortified German forces continued until June 30, 1944, when the final counter-attack was crushed.
Twelve allied nations took part in the invasion across the English Channel:
Australia, Belgium, Canada, Czecholslovakia, France, Greece, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, the United Kingdom and the United States.
With over 5,000 vessels carrying more than 3 million men, it remains the largest sea borne invasion in history. This mission also represents the first time an invading force had crossed the unpredictable English Channel since 1688.
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