Post 831 Campbelltown, Pennsylvania

Post 831

Campbelltown, Pennsylvania

Post 831 Campbelltown, Pennsylvania

About This Post

Post Namesake
Robert L. Eckert




Robert L. Eckert

Jun 6, 1944
D-Day battles came with a high cost of human life- over 209,000 Allied casualties, with another 200,000 German casulaties and an estimated 200,000 Germans captured. 15,000-20,000 French civillians also lost their lives during the fighting. The Battle of Normandy was the main thrust of Operation OVERLORD, which also included landings at Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno, and Sword beaches. The Normandy invasion was a key objective in the plan to drive the Germans from their 4..
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Robert L. Eckert