Shortly after the Charles F. Moran Post was founded in 1920 by Raymond Greenleaf, Robert Dougherty, Howard Harvey and Joseph Miller, member Gilbert McIlvaine (who succeeded Greenleaf as commander) with the Adjutant Carroll Reed designed the first School Medal. McIlvaine and Reed conceived the idea of the American Legion School Award Program to give recognition to young students demonstrating the highest qualities of citizanship and of true Americanism. In collaboration with John Sinnock of the Philadelphia Mint they created the First American Legion School Award medal. The first award was presented on 8 June 1921 to Esther Eppeheimer (Mrs. Charles Pollock) at the 8th grade graduation. That was before Post 475 was officially granted its charter on 20 August 1921.

It was a full year before the idea was put into effect by other posts in Pennsylvania. It quickly spread until it became an official national program at the American Legion National Convention in 1926. With this action the orginal John Sinnock medal was replaced with the bronze medallion designed by the eminent sculptor, R. Tait Mackenzie, and is awarded by American Legion posts throughout the world today. (Jess Davies, Past Commander)


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