On January 25, 1945, the formal installation and initiation was held at the High School auditorium. It was here that the charter was presented by County Commander George Martin to Commander Joseph Varnum. The American Flag and Post Colors – by Mrs. Guy James, Junior Past Commander of the Wickliffe chapter of The Blue Star Mothers of America – were presented to Adjutant William Russel to be posted. These colors are the colors posted today and represent all we were, are and will be through post tradition. In this same regard, a Gavel was then presented to the Commander by Mrs. Joseph Varnum. The Gavel, though simple in nature, can and should be regarded fondly as the continuing authority and respect intended for the Post – and represents these very same ideals this very day. A Post Ceremonial Light was then presented by Guy James, A Spanish-American War Veteran – may we all find our way home using this source.
This was a monumental occasion and a very big evening with strong representation from Department, District and County American Legion, as well as with the leading representatives from the community.