![History from Scherer Post # 493](https://centennial.legion.org/sites/centennial/files/gallery/Memorial%20Day%202016%20C.jpg)
Gary Gross Memorial. Gary was KIA 12/16/1968, decorated with honors. Gary was a hero from the Bobcat Company.
Gary Gross 1968
Airstream presenting their check of $ 30.0000.00 for the roof and windows. Pictures from left to right; Ron Ludwig, Ron Leininger and Mark Wahl
The silent killer from Vietnam
Gary Gross
Ron Leininger Vietnam 1967 to 1968
Memorial Day 2015. Last Memorial Day for two WW II Veterans, Carl Ludwig and Ray Leininger.
Ron E. Leininger S4C
Rick Tidd. Vietnam Veteran who died from exposure to Agent Orange.
Merle Leininger WW II Pilot.
Merle Leininger's Military information
Tim Lane. Plays taps for Military Funerals
Military Funeral for Walt Gerkey
Merle Leininger receiving his plaque for 70 continuous years in the American Legion
Plaque dedicated to 1967 Building Committee: Mick McGowan, Ray and Merle Leininger, Russ Helmlinger, Carl Ludwig, William Morris
75MM, Gun Mod, 1897 French. This was put in the Veterans Memorial Park 2016. It originally set in front of the old Jackson Center High School 1941. The original drawings for the mount was found in old minutes and remains in the brief case of our adjutant.
Inside out post home. Tables and chairs donated by J. C. Fire Department and Sons of The American Legion
Kitchen area and photo's of Past Post Commanders.
Honor Gun Cabinet made by Ray Leininger. It has Gary Gross Military Medals and Honors in it.
The Son's of The American Legion donated six large screen televisions to our post home. The Cabinet in the wall was made by Ray Leininger. They have the Histories of the Post. Ron Leininger, Post Historian won 2nd place in the nation in 72-73 and first in the nation in 73-74.
This is the west wall of our post home. Left are name of life members. Middle is Scroll Art by Willy Metz, donated to the post in 2017 and right of that are the veterans honored at the Veterans Memorial Park each year. 20 have now been accounted for.
Inside our Post Home
News article of Orley Scherer dying in France October 25, 1918
Information from old new paper on the cannon
Old news article of Guy Wrens death in WW I September 14, 1919
Old news article why not organize an American Legion in Jackson Center, Ohio
Old news article about Declaration Day Services
New School in Jackson Center to begin post WW II
Old news article: Last Civil War Veteran J.S. Meranda age 90 dies, March 13, 1934
Old news araticle. Funeral services for J. S. Meranda March 1934
Funeral of Orley Scherer
Original Charter of Scherer Post # 493
Photo of Orley Scherer
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