Major Audie Murphy was turned down for enlistment by both the navy and Marine Corps. The 5'5" Texan finally was able to enlist in the Army.  As a World War II soldier, Audie Murphy received every military combat award for valor. available, including the medal of honor for his "indomitable courage and refusal to give an inch of ground", in a battle near Holtzwihr, France.  At the age of 19, Murphy single-handedly held off an entire company of German soldiers for an hour, then led a successful counterattack while wounded and out of ammunition.  He is credited with 240 enemy kills and was wounded three times in nine major campaigns across the European theater.  After WWII, Audie Murphy became a movie and television star appearing in over 30 movies, including To Hell And Back, where he played himself. He died in a plane crash in 1971. This information is courtesy of the Army Historical Foundation.

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