Food for Veterans' Appreciation event with Post 70 & 299
POW-MIA remembrances
Annual Christmas Party
Guitar Lou entertaining at the Post
Sweet Caroline on New Years Eve 2002
Pig Roast
Installation 2003
Shucking Clams in the parking lot
Fundraising stockings hung by the baar
Karaoke (amateur music)
Juke box (professional music)
Garage sale fundraiser 2006
Auxiliary installation
DEC Joe Towe officiates at Post Installation 2006
Legion Birthday celebrations with a cake
Awarding PUFLs
Texas Roast fundraiser
9-11 Remembrance & presenting flag to Town officials
Post Commander & Unit President on Halloween
Halloween mystery guest
Halloween party
Dr. Ghastly, your Halloween bartender
New Year's Eve dinner at the Post
There's always "something" to eat
NFL Football games on the tube
Pasta cookoff contest fundraiser
2010 Pasta Cookoff Princess-Barb McClintick
Talking up the Legion with fellow vets
Auxiliary committee meetings
2012 SuperBowl
Supporting the Giants from the ground up
Everyone is a fan
And it's great when your team wins
Farewell party at old Post Home
Friends that are always there to support us
The last installation at our old building
Christmas (Hawaiian style) at our new Post Home
Departed Motorcycle Club-always there to lend a helping hand
Halloween at the new Post Home draws out the evil
Danny's drinks can wake the dead
Our littlest members
Auxiliary awards
Auxiliary inductions
Some "old" friends visit us at our "new" home