On Friday, August 22, 1919, Nutley Post 70 held its first meeting in the Nutley Town Hall. It was at that meeting that Jarvis C. Buxton was elected the first Commander of the Post. As such, Buxton is considered the founder of Nutley Post 70.
At its first meeting, it was decided that pictures of the 17 Nutley men who had made the supreme sacrifice should be suitably framed and hung in a proper place wherever Post 70 met. The framing was done and the following words were written on it;
“These our comrades,
Citizens of Nutley,
who with true American spirit,
bravely made the supreme sacrifice,
that the principles of right
should not perish from the world
and to uphold the sacred honor
of our Country
are not forgotten;
their names and deeds
will ever abide in
our hearts and memories.
That picture still hangs in our Post Home today. Infromation and a brief obituary about each man can be found on-line at: http://www.nutleysons.com/nsw1.html