Great activity was shown throughout the County during the Presidency of Mrs. Elizabeth M. Ritchie of Highland Park. Membership increased from 375 to 532 in 1930 and 610 in 1931,nine of the thirteen Units receiving Department Citations and Three National Awards. Sayreville was the First in the State to reach its quota.
The Cathedral of the Air donations totaled $705.75.The Constitution was revised and mimeographed The tenth Anniversary of the Auxiliary was celebrated by a Banquet attended by 107 women. Two new Units in Milltown and Old Bridge were organized by County President.
An endowment fund was started for Toms River Home.
at Atlantic City the County won a Citation for co-operation, Eleven Units Won Citations for Membership, two for Doubling Membership won Five Dollars.
A silk County Banner was awarded Middlesex County for Membership and Carteret won a Gavel for the most Outstanding Community Service.
During this year the County President served the First of Four Years as Department Child Welfare Chairman, and at the close of the year she was Elected Department Third Vice Chairman.

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