Raymond A Hale elected County Commander Feb 14 1920 at South River NJ Vice Commander Harry A. Richardson Service for Disabled. The organization had become well perfected By this Time but there was a Vast amount of work to be done on behalf of the Disabled Veterans and also in connection with the Reinstatement of and Handling of the "WAR RISK INSURANCE". Commander Hale arranged with the Veterans Bureau to send a "Clean Up Squad" into the County for Five days in September 1920 and over 300 claims of Disabled Veterans were Settled at that time. A successful drive on Reinstatement of "War Risk Insurance" was also conducted under the direction of Vice Commander Harry A. Richardson. At the state Convention Asbury Park NJ the Middlesex County Voiture 40et 8 was organized.Harold G Hoffman,M.Lee Stults and F.M. Ritchie were initiated with the latter be elected "Grand Garde de la Porte of the State.
Posts were organized at Spotswood, Milltown ,Piscatawaytown, Highland Park, Carteret and South Plainfield.
On March 5 1921 National Commander Galbraith spoke at the County dinner at Perth Amboy

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