American Legion Pony Express Post 359 celebrated 50 years of service with a party held at their Post Headquarters on July 9, 1995.
Attending the celebration was Department Commander Dr. Norris Preston and his wife, Peggy. Department Commander Preston spoke on The American Legion's youth programs and their impact on the community; on the Legion being opposed to illegal aliens who are "being treated better than veterans". Commander Preston also voiced the Legion's opposition to gays in the military, attempts to re-write history concerning Japan's role in World War II, flag burning and Legion opposition to U.S. involvement in Bosnia.
Also in attendance was Fourth District Commander Lester Workman; Post 199 Commander Steven H. Hoffrogge from Tarkio, Missouri; Post 11 Commander Franklin Flesher from Saint Joseph, Missouri; and Post 464 Commander Charles Fletchall of Conception Junction, Missouri.
Post 359 Commander Mike Crawford gave out certificates of 50 years of continuous membership in The American Legion to the following members of Post 359: Louis G. Becker, James P. Doolan, Eugene A. Drimmel, Ed Durkin, William "Bill" Evans, Lionel A. Goetz, Leonard Goldman, Fred Hanke, William H. Hankins, H. T. Holloway, George Humbert, Everett L. Johnson, Eugene A. Knaebel, Guy "Razz" Lapira, Joseph Lapira, Phil Lapira, Abner D. McKinnon, Edward McPhee, Harry Miller, C. J. "Jim" Powers, Jr., Archie L. Roberts, William Rosenthal, Leonard B. Rothstein, Leroy Scheiber, Huston B. Thom, Charles Triggs, Calvin Weinberg, Dwayne Wylie and Floyd Young.
Department Commander Preston noted "This is a momentous occasion for this Post and for the 50 year members."
(Information came from a story printed in the Saint Joseph Telegraph on July 6, 1995.)