Members of Dick Munkres Post 287 American Legion Family participated in the 2019 Savannah Homecoming Parade



Mike Walter, Cecil Raines, Billy Kretzer and Patty Raines (L to R)


Ellen Raines, Patty Raines, Ron Raines, Mike Grimm, and Mike Schweder (L to R)


Amazonia's VFW with ther "Please Stand for the Flag" Poster


Parade arriving in the downtown area


Legon, SAL, & VFW Color Guard


Jeep with Barb Ebersole, Billy Kretzer and Robert Wade


Trailer with Brylee Major, an unidentified rider and Cathy Major (L to R)


Post 287 Commadner Rusty Chester


Cecil and Ellen Raines


Mike & Sandy Schweder, Ron & Patty Raines, Mike Grimm, and Leonard Dalbey


Mike Grimm and Leonard Dalbey (L to R)


VFW Patriotic Float


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