Note: Pictured is Randy Major, National Commander Bill Oxford, and Don Major.  Randy is a Legionnaire and SAL member.  Don Major (Randy's father) is a Legionnaire of Post 287.  National Commander Oxford visited Post 287 on September 16, 2019.



·        Regular Meeting on July 3rd was cancelled since many of the members were participating in an evening military funeral honors ceremony in Saint Joseph, and as well as being the night before the 4th of July holiday .






·        Regular Meeting July 17, 2019


o   Commander Rusty Chester called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours. Chaplain Barb Ebersole gave the opening prayer…The meeting was declared regularly convened.  A quorum was established with 14 members present.


o   Committee Reports:


§  Finance Report presented by Timmy Williams


§  2020 Legion Membership Committee (Mark Hummer) = 80 (33%).


§  Auxiliary (Barb Ebersole): a “Get Well” card was being signed by all present for Beverly Adkins (63 continuous years with the Auxiliary).  Beverly is recovering from major cardiac surgery and is currently hospitalized at Saint Luke’s Hospital in Kansas City.


§  American Legion Riders (Timmy Williams):


·        The Chapter 287 Arkansas Legacy Ride was completed.  There were 13 bikes and 23 riders from Post 287.


·        Tonight, was Mike Grimm’s last night as the Director.  Vern Tobey will take over for 2019-2020.


§  Sons of the American Legion (Terry Beasley):


·        Mike Walter will serve as the Detachment Senior Vice Commander as well as the Detachment Western Vice Commander.


·        Terry Beasley will be the Detachment Legion Advisor and Detachment Sergeant-at-Arms.


·        The SAL will also donate $50 to go towards the new electric grill for the monthly Legion Family Breakfast’s.


§  Veteran Service Advisor/Post Service Officers (VSA/PSO) both recently attended the Department Convention in Saint Louis.


o   Sick Call: Sonny Todd (has a broken back from a fall), Gene Davis, Kenneth Diggs (has had a couple of strokes), and Stan Stubblefield.  Earl Furst (recently moved to Vintage Gardens assisted living facility)


·        Post Everlasting: Carl Lance, Ed Weber, and Vincent Garcia (Sons of the American Legion)


·        New Business: An electric grill and rolling table have been purchased to replace the smaller grills used to fry eggs during the monthly Legion Family Breakfasts.  Each family entity will contribute $50 to cover the expense.


·        For the Good of The American Legion:


o   4th District Finance Officer Don Dillman encouraged the membership to purchase the 4th District pins at a cost of $5/each.


o   Thanks to the Kohls Department Store employees who volunteered and helped with the July 13th monthly breakfast in place of the FCCLA high school students, who are on summer break.


o   A few notes from the July Department Convention held in Saint Louis.  From Post 287, Sharon Tobey, Vern Tobey, Mike Walter and Terry Beasley attended.  Notes from Adjutant Beasley:


§  Convention Booklet did have the Post 287 ½ page ad.  The layout looked nice.


§  Teddy Roosevelt, IV was the guest speaker


§  Good to Know item- check out on your App Store for your phone the Missouri Veterans Commission app.


§  2 Key Announcements:


·        Spring Conferences have been cancelled for now, secondary to budgetary constraints.


·        “UNOFFICIALLY,” the next National Commander will visit Zone 2.  Post 287 should make plans to host a lunch or dinner stop.  Travel dates: 13-18 September.


§  Charles Goodin, Department of Missouri Legislative Chairperson is asking ALL LEGIONNAIRES to get signed up at The American Legion “Legislative Center.”  You will get e-mail notifications of veteran-related legislation, The American Legion is supporting.  After receiving a notification, you can send e-mail replies directly to your representatives through the “Legislative Center.”


·        Correspondence: A handout of The American Legion History 4-page pamphlet was made available for the membership.


·        Commander Chester adjourned the meeting at 1940 hours.  Chaplain Ebersole gave the closing prayer.  The next meeting will be August 7th, 1900 hours.






·        Regular Meeting August 7, 2019


o   Commander Rusty Chester called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours. Chaplain Barb Ebersole gave the opening prayer…The meeting was declared regularly convened.  A quorum was established with 20 members present.


o   Guest/Prospective New Members Present:


§  Marvin Harper, Past Department Commander, Past 4th District Commander


§  Noah Duncan, Boys State Citizen and his parents


§  Tracy Rose, new member


o   Guest Presentations:


§  Mr. Noah Duncan thanked Dick Munkres Post 287 for his Boys State sponsorship.  His future educational plans are to decide between engineering and law degrees.  Mr. Duncan is also interested in joining the United States Navy.  At Boys State he ran for Governor.  Although not getting elected, he learned a great deal on the election process.  Commander Chester recommended and encouraged Mr. Duncan to pursue an Annapolis appointment.


§  Past Department/District Commander Harper presented the “Team 100 Post Excellence Award” to Post 287.  The award was signed by National Commander Brett Reistad and National Adjutant Dan Wheeler.


o   Committee Reports:


§  2020 Legion Membership Committee (Mark Hummer) = 129 (52%).  Commander Chester commented on the need to target families with kids when recruiting into The American Legion Family.  We will need others to carry the torch into the future.


§  40 & 8 (James Jones & Don Dillman): Flag Etiquette classes will be offered to the local schools again this year.


§  Auxiliary (Barb Ebersole): Beverly Adkins (63 continuous years with the Auxiliary) continues to slowly improve and remains at Saint Luke’s Hospital in Kansas City for rehab and recovery from cardiac surgery.


§  Sons of the American Legion (Terry Beasley):


·        The SAL will donate $250 to go towards the School Supply Drive.


·        Detachment Senior Vice Commander Mike Walter stated the Detachment is encouraging all Squadrons and Posts to go beyond your local school systems to recruit youth into the SAL.  Other areas to consider include: Boy Scouts, 4-H, etc.  You may get better responses from these organizations.


·        Veteran Service Advisor/Post Service Officers (VSA/PSO): Legion VSO Pam Hensley from King City will be at the September 18th Legion meeting and will provide a dinner meal and discuss available benefits.


o   Sick Call: Kenneth Diggs, Gene Davis, Stan Stubblefield, and Beverly Adkins (Auxiliary)


o   Post Everlasting: Sony Todd


o   New Business:


§  SAL Mark Brock asked for volunteers to help with the 3 C’s Fry / Membership Night: Tuesday- will need help to cut the potatoes and thaw fish; and Wednesday- cut and prepare the fish, prepare serving area, cooking of the fish and potatoes, other duties, etc.


§  Legion Act:


·        Legion Act: In a significant legislative victory for The American Legion, President Trump signed a bill July 30th that declares the United States has been in a state of war since Dec. 7, 1941.  More than 1,600 members of the U.S. Armed Forces were killed or wounded in periods of time not designated as war eras since the end of World War II. The newly signed “Let Everyone Get Involved in Opportunities for National Service Act of 2019 – The LEGION Act” honors those veterans, their spouses and descendants, extending membership eligibility in The American Legion Family to hundreds of thousands who had previously been excluded.  The LEGION Act offers American Legion membership eligibility to any U.S. military veteran who served at least one day of active military duty since Dec. 7, 1941, and was honorably discharged or is serving now.  Now that the legislation has been signed, The American Legion’s eligibility criteria immediately changes from seven war eras to two: April 6, 1917, to Nov. 11, 1918, and Dec. 7, 1941 to a time later determined by the federal government. No other restrictions to American Legion membership are changed.


·        The Legion Act opens up the membership opportunities for the Auxiliary and Sons of the American Legion as well.


·        A motion was made to advertise the new membership eligibility in The Savannah Reporter.  The motion was seconded.  After discussion, the amount of money to be spent for advertising would be limited to $80.  Motion carried.


§  Each Legion Family entity was asked to contribute to this year’s School Supply Drive.  A motion was made, seconded and past for Post 287 to match the SAL donation of $250.  Goal to raise $1,000 to purchase supplies to be distributed to 9 area schools.


o   For the Good of The American Legion:


§  Next Legion Family Breakfast will be this Saturday, 10 August.  Volunteers needed.


§  Legionnaire Marvin Harper will be visiting all of the schools throughout the 4th District to encourage counselors to have more candidates apply for the Missouri Boys State program.


o   Commander Chester adjourned the meeting at 2000 hours.  Chaplain Ebersole gave the closing prayer.  The next meeting will be August 21st, 1900 hours.






·        Regular Meeting August 21, 2019


o   Commander Rusty Chester called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours. Chaplain Barb Ebersole gave the opening prayer…The meeting was declared regularly convened.  A quorum was established with 20 members present.


o   Guests/Prospective New Members Present:


§  Larry Auten, new member to The American Legion & American Legion Riders


§  Brianna Moe, returning member


o   Committee Reports:


§  2020 Legion Membership Committee (Mark Hummer) = 131 (53%).


§  40 & 8 (James Jones & Don Dillman): Flag Etiquette classes awaiting invitations from the local schools as the new school year begins.


§  Auxiliary (Barb Ebersole): Beverly Adkins (63 continuous years with the Auxiliary) is home now and continuing to slowly improve.


§  American Legion Riders (Vern Tobey):


·        Chapter 287 received 1st Place as this year’s Medium-size Chapter of the Year.


·        School Supply Program- donating $200.


·        Some upcoming events for The American Legion Riders include: 1 September - Fall Festival (Wathena), 14 September – Pioneer Days (Edgerton), 16 September – Escorting National Commander (4th District), 27 September – Homecoming Parade (Savannah), and 28 September – Dearborn.


·        Early stages of planning a 4-5-day ride in Iowa to visit a number of the Freedom Rocks.


§  Sons of the American Legion (Terry Beasley):


·        7 members were present at our August meeting


·        Finance Report: Previous Balance = $5,359.13, Deposits = $708.30, Expenses = $1,516.08 (Boys State- $500, FCCLA- $300, Legacy Scholarship- $500, others), Leaving a Current Balance of $4,551.35


·        Detachment Senior Vice and Western Vice Commander Mike Walter was recently in Sedalia to induct their Squadron Officers, along with Department Auxiliary President, Department Commander Hallie Williams and Department Legion Rider Director Jim Rosenburg.


·        Veterans Day of Honor- Squadron 287 will conduct the ceremony some time next Spring at the Missouri Veterans Home in Warrensburg.  Plans pending.


·        100th Anniversary Celebration of The American Legion Family at the Warrensburg Veterans Home in Warrensburg on October 5th.  Post 287 Legion Family has been invited (Auxiliary, SAL, Riders and Legionnaires).  Event starts at 9 a.m.


·        Squadron Everlasting Plaque- Mark Brock made a motion to purchase a plaque in honor of Squadron 287’s deceased members.  Currently there are 4 members, since the Chartering of the Squadron, who have transferred to Squadron Everlasting: Mark E. Baker, Robert Durant, Floyd Auxier, and Vincent Garcia.  The motion was seconded and passed.


·        A motion was made and seconded to make the $250 annual donation to go towards the purchase of school supplies.  Motion passed.


o   Sick Call: Kenneth Diggs, Gene Davis, Stan Stubblefield, and Beverly Adkins (Auxiliary)


o   Veteran Service Advisor/Post Service Officers (VSA/PSO) (Vern & Sharon Tobey):


§  July and August reports submitted on their combined volunteer hours, mileage and number of veterans assisted.


o   Un-finished Business:


§  SAL Mark Brock asked for volunteers to help with the 3 C’s Fry / Membership Night.


§  Legionnaire Randy Major stated Clinton Allen Monuments has completed the work on realigning many of the monuments at Flanders Field in the Savannah Cemetery.


o   New Business:


§  National Commander Visit: Post 287 will be a dinner stop for the National Commander on Monday, 16 September at 5 p.m.


·        Legion Riders will provide an all-day escort.


·        Legionnaire Billy Kretzer recommended a banner be made up stating, “Welcome Commander.”  SAL Mike Walter will design and order one.


·        Legionnaire Timmy Williams will be tasked with the dinner menu.


·        Legionnaire and City of Savannah Mayor Don Dillman will have a “Proclamation” for the visiting dignitary.


·        All Legion Family Members are invited and encouraged to volunteer to help in some way.


§  1st Vice Commander volunteered to update the “Legionnaire Profile Notebook.”  Please provide him with your military and Legion History along with pictures to be added to the notebook.


§  Each Legion Family entity was asked to contribute to this year’s School Supply Drive.  A motion was made, seconded and past for Post 287 to match the SAL donation of $250.  Goal to raise $1,000 to purchase supplies to be distributed to 9 area schools.


o   For the Good of the American Legion:


§  Legionnaire Glenn Brown recommend Mr. Noah Duncan (Boys State Citizen sponsored by Post 287) seek assistance directly from Representative Sam Graves Office in the application process for the Naval Academy.  Boys State Chairperson Beasley will forward the information to Mr. Duncan.


§  Next Legion Family Breakfast will be this Saturday, 14 September.  Volunteers needed.


§  SAL Mike Walter has Josh Dogs for any child who has a parent being deployed or a child who is medically very ill.  Contact him if you know of someone who could receive this gift.


§  Legionnaire Don Dillman announced the Savannah Lion’s Club would once again sponsor a Missouri Boys State Candidate next year.


§  Legionnaire Stackhouse, Boys Scout Liaison:


·        Next Court of Honor will be 10 September


·        Paul P.J. Menard has earned his Eagle Scout and will have a ceremony at a later date.  P.J. is also a SAL member, who has helped on many Legion Projects over the years.


·        Legionnaire Edner Rudolph thanked the Post 287 Honor Guard for the renders honored to Post Everlasting Legionnaire Ed Weber.


·        Boy Scouts will be at the next breakfast to do popcorn sales.


o   Correspondence:


§  World War I Memorial Brick Dedication Flyer


§  Andrew County Health & Safety Coalition letter/flyer


o   Commander Chester adjourned the meeting at 2000 hours.  Chaplain Ebersole gave the closing prayer.  The next meeting will be September 4th, 1900 hours.



·        Regular meeting September 4, 2019


o   1st Vice Commander Mark Hummer called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours. Chaplain Barb Ebersole gave the opening prayer.  The POW-MIA Resolution 288 was read followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and the recital of the Preamble to the Constitution of the American Legion.  The meeting was declared regularly convened.  A quorum was established with 10 members present.


o   Guests/Prospective New Members Present: Marvin Harper Department Chaplain, Past Department and Past 4th District Commander


o   Induction of the 2019 – 2020 Officers:  Ceremonial Induction Officer Marvin Harper called upon Ceremonial Sergeant-at-Arms Mike Walter (SAL) to bring the inductees forward:


§  Legion Officers present for induction included: Mark Hummer 1st Vice Commander, Barb Ebersole Chaplain, and Terry Beasley Adjutant.


§  Sons of the American Legion included: Mark Brock Commander, Randy Major Senior Vice Commander, and Terry Beasley Adjutant.


o   Committee Reports:


§  2020 Legion Membership Committee (Mark Hummer) = 164 (53%).


§  Auxiliary (Barb Ebersole): Beverly Adkins (63 continuous years with the Auxiliary) She is at home and continues to show great improvement recovering from the cardiac surgery.


§  Sons of the American Legion (Mike Walter): dual member Steve Crockett was recognized as the 2018 SAL Detachment of Missouri co-Member of the Year for 2018.  The award was shared between 2 outstanding candidates.  The other SAL Member of the Year comes from a SAL Squadron in Creve Coeur, Missouri.  There were family members present as SAL Crockett received the award.


o   Sick Call: Kenneth Diggs, Gene Davis, Stan Stubblefield, and Beverly Adkins (Auxiliary)


o   Un-finished Business:


§  National Commander Visit to Post 287 on Monday, September 16th at 5 p.m.  The meal will be catered.  Volunteers needed.


§  2-month Calendar of Events


o   For the Good of the American Legion:


§  Legionnaire Glenn Brown recommend Mr. Noah Duncan (Boys State Citizen sponsored by Post 287) seek assistance directly from Representative Sam Graves Office in the application process for the Naval Academy.  Boys State Chairperson Beasley will forward the information to Mr. Duncan.


§  Next Legion Family Breakfast will be this Saturday, 14 September.  Volunteers needed.


§  SAL Mike Walter has Josh Dogs for any child who has a parent being deployed or a child who is medically very ill.  Contact him if you know of someone who could receive this gift.


§  Legionnaire Don Dillman announced the Savannah Lion’s Club would once again sponsor a Missouri Boys State Candidate next year.


§  Legionnaire Stackhouse, Boys Scout Liaison:


·        Next Court of Honor will be 10 September


·        Paul P.J. Menard has earned his Eagle Scout and will have a ceremony at a later date.  P.J. is also a SAL member, who has helped on many Legion Projects over the years.


§  Legionnaire Edner Rudolph thanked the Post 287 Honor Guard for the honors rendered to Post Everlasting Legionnaire Ed Weber.


§  Boy Scouts will be at the next breakfast to do popcorn sales.


o   Correspondence:


§  Henrietta Fair donated $100 to the Post in memory of Caryl “Sony” Todd


§  Missouri Boys State Certificate of Appreciation


o   Commander Hummer adjourned the meeting at 1930 hours.  Chaplain Ebersole gave the closing prayer.  The next meeting will be September 18th, 1900 hours.






·        Regular meeting September 18, 2019


o   Commander Rusty Chester called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours. Chaplain Barb Ebersole gave the opening prayer…The meeting was declared regularly convened.  A quorum was established with 10 members present.


o   Guests/Prospective New Members Present:


§  Maben Rodriguez- new member, served in the U.S. Army during 1960’s thru 1970’s.


§  Forrest Bradford- visitor from Iowa, friend of Steve Gabrault


o   Committee Reports:


§  Finance Report (Tim Williams): the reports for the months of July & August were given.  Commander Chester thanked Finance Officer Tim Williams for making sure each year the tax filings for all of the Post 287 Legion Family entities is completed.  The cost this year was $600.  Commander Chester has asked each Legion Family entity make a financial commitment annually to help met this expense.


§  2020 Legion Membership Committee (Mark Hummer) = 167 (53%).


§  Auxiliary (Barb Ebersole):


·        Commander Chester thanked the Auxiliary for providing support and all of the desserts at the National Commander Dinner.


·        Article from a recent The Savannah Reporter titled, “American Legion Auxiliary Post 287 State Level Winners.”  “American Legion Post 287 received news of State Winners at the Department’s State Conference in Saint Louis the last of July.  All entries were to write an essay with the theme, “How Can We Address and Prevent Veteran Homelessness In Our Communities?”  Over 100 entries went on to the State Level where tow of those were from Post 287, Savannah.  Jason Burns, from Avenue City R9 was first place in his eighth-grade group.  Olivia Richie from the North Andrew school district received third in her grade group.  Both students received a certificate and monetary award.”


§  American Legion Riders (Vern Tobey):


·        The 2019 – 2020 Officers were inducted


·        National Commander Escort Debriefing: 13 Bikes/Trikes participated, and 384 miles were covered


·        Upcoming Homecoming Parades include: North Andrew R-6 (20 Sept) and Savannah High School (27 Sept).


·        The Riders are donating $100 to Special Olympics


·        Planning a “Hog Raffle” at the beginning of next year as a fundraiser


·        Turkey Dinner at the Post on December 11th from 5-7 p.m.


§  Veteran Service Advisor/Post Service Officers (VSA/PSO) (Vern & Sharon Tobey):


·        August Report, Hours = 2, Mileage = 165, veterans assisted = 3


·        September Report, hours = 10, Mileage = 450, veterans assisted = 10


o   Sick Call: Kenneth Diggs, Gene Davis, Stan Stubblefield, and Beverly Adkins (Auxiliary)


o   Un-finished Business:


§  Legionnaire and Savannah Mayor Don Dillman updated the membership, there is still some interest in converting the granite rock at the Andrew County Museum into a painted Freedom Rock.  More to follow.


§  The Model T has been sold to Legionnaire Norm Brosi, and has been moved from the Post storage room.


§  2-month Calendar of Events


o   New Business:


§  The Andrew County Senior Center will be putting in a new flag pole.  Legionnaire Rudolph asked if Post 287 was interested in helping with this project.  Post 287 will help in some way to be determined.


§  Annual School Supply Drive- please have all donations at the Post by October 7th.  The distribution of supplies will occur on October 11th.


o   For the Good of the American Legion:


§  North Andrew Homecoming Parade on Friday, 20 September.  Honor Guard will be Mike Walter, Billy Kretzer and Terry Beasley.  Steve Crockett will drive the jeep.  Others attending include: Edner Rudolph, Dave Hehn and Sherriff Bryan Atkins.


§  Savannah High School Homecoming parade will be on Friday, 27 September.  Honor Guard volunteers so far include: Mike Walter, Rusty Chester, Randy Major and Brett Spitzer.  Billy Kretzer and Steve Crockett will be there with the jeep.


§  Legionnaire Edner Rudolph knows of a student interested in applying for next year’s Missouri Boys State.  The potential candidate is related to Post Everlasting member Charles Brosi.


§  Vet-2-Vet will be at the Saint Joseph Civic Arena on October 19th from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.  Post 287 was invited to have a display table.  No volunteers at present to man the booth.  The information will be passed onto 1st Vice Commander Mark Hummer when he has returned from his honeymoon.


§  Sons of the American Legion (SAL) Senior Vice Commander Mike Walter briefed the members on the cancellation of the Department and Detachment Spring Conference.  For now, there will only be the Fall Conference (October), and the Annual Convention (July) state-level meetings.  With the cancellation of the Spring Conference, the Department Executive Committee and the Detachment Executive Committee Officers will meet in the Spring in Jefferson City at American Legion Post 5 to conducted any needed business, in place of having the former Spring Conference.


§  Post Commander Rusty Chester debrief on National Commander William “Bill” Oxford visit:


·        Thanks to the American Legion Riders who provided the all-day escort throughout the 4th District traveling from Edgerton to as far north as Rock Port in hot weather.


·        Thanks also to Billy Kretzer who put out the American and State Flags around the Andrew County Courthouse and Main Street.  When National Commander Oxford addressed the crowd during the dinner, the first thing he mentioned was, the first impression he had of Savannah, was seeing the flags lining the streets.


·        Thanks to Debbie Williams for the all-day marathon work she did to ensure the meal was ready for all the dignitaries and public visitors.


·        Debbie Williams, in turn, thanked Mark Brock for coming in as well and working all day on the special dinner.  When she was by herself, Mark stepped up to help.


·        SAL Mike Walter commented on remarks made to him talking with National Commander Oxford about his impression of Post 287.  Commander Oxford stated, “This is exactly what The American Legion should be like.  You have all four Legion Family entities.  You have all four Legion Family entities here tonight.  Wish I could make a blueprint of this Post to share across the country.”


·        National Commander Oxford and Department Hallie Williams presented Dick Munkres Post 287 with a “Team 100 Post Excellence” flag banner on the night of the National Commander Visit and Dinner.


·        At tonight’s meeting:  Commander Rusty Chester presented to:


o   Auxiliary and Legion Rider Debbie Williams an Olive Garden gift certificate of thanks for all her hard work and dedication.


o   Legionnaire Billy Kretzer was given a National Commanders Coin for creating such an amazing 1st Impression of the City of Savannah and Post 287.


o   SAL Mark Brock was also given a National Commander’s Coin as well for his “saving of the day” in helping with the National Commander’s Dinner.


o   Correspondence: Thank You Card and monetary donation on behalf of the Post 287 Honor Guard Team participating in the memorial service of Civil War Veteran Paris Richey.  Card and donation from Deborah Cline.


o   Commander Chester adjourned the meeting at 2000 hours.  Chaplain Ebersole gave the closing prayer.  The next meeting will be October 2nd, 1900 hours.




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