Pictured is Past 4th District Commander Marvin Harper and Post 287 1st Vice Commander at the Truman Library to place a wreath during Truman Days
· Regular Meeting May 1, 2019
o Commander Rusty Chester called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours. Chaplain Barb Ebersole gave the opening prayer. The meeting was declared regularly convened. A quorum was established with 16 members present.
o Guests/Prospective New Members Present:
§ Connie & Mike Eighmy- both are planning on joining The American Legion Post 287 Family. Mike Eighmy served in the United States Navy, during the Vietnam War era. He had tours in the Gulf of Tonkin. Mike is a Pastor. Connie is a retired teacher. Connie is an active volunteer at Clarksdale & Cosby churches. Recruiter: Dave Hehn.
§ Gerald Depastino, Post 359 member and a 139th Air Base Wing Financial and Retirement Counselor. Legionnaire is a retired Lieutenant Colonel who served as a Navigator in the Missouri Air National Guard. He served during Desert Storm and now is a volunteer with the Family Support Unit. Huge volunteer and outstanding resource for veteran and retiree issues. Guest hear tonight on a invitation from 1st Vice Commander Hummer.
o Committee Reports:
§ 2019 Legion Membership Committee (Mark Hummer) = 236 (102% = “Over-the-Top”). One renewal. Post 287 was awarded, “A Trip to the Truman Pilgrimage,” for having the highest membership percentage in our Post-size category.” 1st Vice Commander Hummer will represent Post 287 at the luncheon on Wednesday, May 8th. Post 287 will cover his travel and dinner expenses.
§ 40 & 8 (James Jones & Don Dillman): - a Flag Etiquette presentation has been scheduled for May 10th at 1:30 p.m. at Minnie Cline. There will 80-86 students. Legion Family volunteers so far include: Barb, Tim, Vern, Mark, Steve, Jason & Terry.
o Sick Call: Herb Clizer (on Hospice), Sonny Todd, Gene Davis, Kenneth Diggs, and Stan Stubblefield
o Un-finished Business:
§ Flanders Field Border Work Project- Caryl Walker his son & grandson have been asked about doing a continuous cement pouring to replace the breaking tile border. Approximate cost = $450. A motion was made and seconded to have them do the work with a goal of having it completed by Memorial Day and in the ballpark of the estimated costs.
§ Flag Pole replacements for the Post and Flanders Field (Debbie and Tim Williams): will complete the installation work after “Dig Right” has marked the utility lines at both sites. Project will be done prior to Memorial Day.
§ Flanders Field Volunteer(s): Randy & Cathy Major have volunteered to doing the mowing and trimming work. Don Dillman also offered to help.
§ 2019-2020 Nominations were announced. Voting will be completed at the md-month meeting.
§ Memorial Day (Brian Stackhouse): The Commander’s Speech is being finalized. Will check to see if the Boy Scouts are going to clean-up the area, prior to Memorial Day, like they have done in previous years. SAL Mike Walter will set his PA system up for the event.
§ Centennial Courthouse Square Parade (Terry Beasley)- “Thank You” to all who helped and participated. Posts who came included: Post 11, Post 102, 359, 445, and 464. Cub Scout Pack 60 and Boy Scout Troop 60 marched in the parade. The jeep was driven in the parade and used to give VIP guest Bernard Winger a ride. The Mode-T made an appearance being trailered. The second VIP guest Vernon Wright rode in the parade with Post 445 Commander Jim Denny on his International Tractor rumble seat. Legionnaire Edner Rudolph carried the Post 287 colors. Andrew County Commissioner Bob Caldwell was present to recognize our Purple Heart Recipient veterans and VIP guests and Legionnaires Winger and Wright. Department Historian Jerome Goolsby was on hand taking pictures. Pictures were also taken by Cathy Major and Steve Crockett. Legionnaire Marshall White was present to do a story in the Savannah Reporter.
§ Flag Etiquette for Boy Scout Troop 60 (Brian Stackhouse): the scouts thoroughly enjoyed the experience, both receiving the flag etiquette presentation and being a part of the flag retirement ceremony.
§ Purple Heart County Designation- the Andrew County Commissioners did get Andrew County accepted as a “Purple Heart County” by “The Order of Purple Hearts – USA.” The ceremony was held Thursday, 18 April at 8 a.m. at the courthouse. Bernard “Bud” Winger was recognized as a Purple Heart Recipient veteran. Plans were made to repeat the ceremony during the Centennial Parade on Sunday, 28 April. The parade will be stopped half-way at the southwest corner of the Andrew County Courthouse Square. VIP honorees will be recognized at the 1st Responders/Veterans Memorial.
o New Business:
§ 2-month-event Schedule- copies were made available
§ Flanders Field Headstone- Legionnaire Randy Major stated some of the headstones in Flanders Field are leaning/sinking. He will contact Clinton Allen Monuments of Maryville to see if they can look at the headstones, and what the costs will for realignment as needed.
§ Poppy Fundraiser- Debbie Williams started the sign-up sheet for volunteers to raise money with the Poppy Program at Brothers Grocery Store. Dates will be May 23 – 25th.
§ Annual Children & Youth Report has been completed and submitted to the Department.
o Guest Speaker Comments - Gerald Depastino, 139th Air Base Wing Financial and Retirement Counselor.
§ He is an available resource for military retirement and veteran services/issues.
§ He provided multiple pamphlets ranging in topics such as: Tricare, VA Healthcare, Federal Benefits booklet, Gulf War Illness, Scholarships, etc.
§ Post 287 was invited to have a table at the annual 139th Family Day in August. Great recruiting opportunity. Call him to reserve a table.
§ He made himself available to help with any issues as needed.
o For the Good of the American Legion:
§ Billy Kretzer recently trimmed the grass around all of the Flag Pole holes around the Courthouse Square and Cemetery. Edner Rudolph bored out all of the flag pole holes.
§ For those leaving from Savannah this weekend for the Apple Blossom parade, meet Billy Kretzer at the Legion Post at 8 a.m.
§ Edner Rudolph has been awarded a 60-Year Continuous Membership Certificate. Commander Chester will recognize Legionnaire Rudolph at the May Family Breakfast.
§ SAL Mike Walter shared how Post 287 received compliments for the Military Funeral Honors recently at the Leavenworth National Cemetery. Cemetery personnel stated, “We were the most professional of those who come there.” Thanks to Post 464 who covered a second funeral for us in Savannah, held at the same day & time we were down in Leavenworth.
§ Legionnaire Don Dillman stated how impressive the personnel were, who did the Girls State briefing at the United Electric Coop on Sunday, 28 April. Legionnaire Dillman highly indorsed the Legion to do what it could to support the Girls State program as equally as Boys State. The Missouri Girls State briefing was well attended by the youth accepted for this year’s program along with their parents. Legionnaires helping at the briefing included: Barb Ebersole, Mike Chellew and Don Dillman.
o Commander Chester adjourned the meeting at 2000 hours. Chaplain Ebersole gave the closing prayer. The next meeting will be May 15th, 1900 hours.
· Regular Meeting on May 15th was cancelled. Many of the Legion Family members went to the KCI Airport to welcome back Timmy Williams (Vietnam War veteran) and Cecil Raines (Honor Flight Guardian) as they returned from the Honor Flight to Washington D.C.
· Regular Meeting June 5, 2019
o Commander Rusty Chester called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours. Chaplain Barb Ebersole gave the opening prayer. The meeting was declared regularly convened. A quorum was established with 11 members present.
o Guests/Prospective New Members Present: William McCoy, transfer from Post 359
o Committee Reports:
§ Finance Report presented by Timmy Williams
§ 2019 Legion Membership Committee (Mark Hummer) = 237 (103% = “Over-the-Top”).
§ Auxiliary (Barb Ebersole): Unit 287 recently hosted the 4th District Auxiliary meeting. The event was a success. Poppy program received $1,630 in donations from the community.
§ Sons of the American Legion (Terry Beasley): 2019-2020 Officers were elected this evening: Commander Mark Brock, Senior Vice Commander Randy Major, Finance Officer Cecil Raines, Sergeant-at Arms Ron Raines, Adjutant & Chaplain Terry Beasley
o Sick Call: Sonny Todd, Gene Davis, Kenneth Diggs, and Stan Stubblefield
o Post Everlasting: Eugene McNeal, Herb Clizer, and Eric Moe
o Un-finished Business:
§ 2019-2020 Nominations were announced. By acclimation the ballot was voted on and approved by the membership:
· Commander Rusty Chester
· 1st Vice Commander Mark Hummer
· Finance Officer Timmy Williams
· Chaplain Barb Ebersole
· Service Officers Sharon & Vern Tobey
· Adjutant Terry Beasley
§ Flanders Field Headstone- (Randy Major) Clinton Allen Monuments of Maryville will come down to assess the grave markers, and realign them as needed at no charge.
o New Business:
§ Fish Fry- (Mark Brock) plans are ongoing for the annual September event.
§ Certificate – Delegates – Alternates to the 101st Annual Convention completed.
o For the Good of The American Legion:
§ June 6th – Anniversary of D-Day. This marks the 75th Anniversary of the invasion, and our remembrance and honoring of the sacrifice of life of the many servicemen.
§ Flag Day- June 14th- Billy Kretzer and Steve Crockett will put the flags out starting at 0700. More volunteers are needed. Please help if you can.
§ The May 15th meeting was cancelled. Many of the Legion Family Members were at the KCI Airport to welcome back Timmy Williams (Vietnam War veteran) and Cecil Raines (Honor Flight Guardian) as they returned from the Honor Flight to Washington D.C.
§ “Go Team USA” at the FIFA Women’s World Cup Soccer Tournament.
o Commander Chester adjourned the meeting at 1940 hours. Chaplain Ebersole gave the closing prayer. The next meeting will be June 19th, 1900 hours.
· Regular Meeting June 19, 2019
o Commander Rusty Chester called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours. Past Post Chaplain Dave Hehn gave the opening prayer…The meeting was declared regularly convened. A quorum was established with 11 members present.
o Committee Reports:
§ Finance Report presented by Timmy Williams
§ 2019 Legion Membership Committee (Mark Hummer) = 237 (103% = “Over-the-Top”).
§ American Legion Riders (Vern Tobey):
· The Riders held their 2019-2020 Election of Officers:
o Vern Tobey, Director, and Timmy Williams, Assistant Director
o All other officer positions from last year remained the same.
· Newly elected Director Vern Tobey stated the Riders are making a $100 donation to the Kids of Our Heroes Adventure Camp (KOOHAC) organization.
· The Chapter 287 Arkansas Legacy Ride begins tomorrow.
§ Veteran Service Advisor/Post Service Officers (VSA/PSO) Sharon & Vern Tobey:
· May & June: had 22 volunteer hours with 300 miles traveled, and assisted 27 veterans.
· One veteran will now receive $146,000 in back compensation benefits, after assisting him on getting registered into the VA system, and help with his application for benefits.
o Sick Call: Sonny Todd, Gene Davis, Kenneth Diggs, and Stan Stubblefield
o New Business: A motion was made and seconded to donate $25 to the 139th Sergeant’s Association to sponsor one of their Annual Golf Tournament Holes. This $25 will be added to the other Legion Family entity donations to make up the annual $100 sponsorship donation.
o For the Good of The American Legion:
§ Honor Guard Team Leader Tim Williams thanked everyone for a great job during our recent military funerals. The team’s efforts were duly noted by the families.
§ “Go Team USA” at the FIFA Women’s World Cup Soccer Tournament. The Women’s team won their first two games, and continue to advance in the Tournament.
o Correspondence: Thank you letter and a $50 donation was received in memory of Gene McNeal from Goudelock McAngus.
o Commander Chester adjourned the meeting at 1920 hours. Past Chaplain Hehn gave the closing prayer. The next meeting will be July 3rd, 1900 hours.