Savannah’s 1st Junior Rodeo held in the 4-H Barn next door to the American Legion Building on Banyon Street. This is the Sunday opening ceremony. Mark Hummer, Billy Kretzer and 4th District Commander Marvin Harper (L to R)
· Regular Meeting March 6, 2019
· Commander Rusty Chester called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours. Chaplain Barb Ebersole gave the opening prayer.…A quorum was established with 22 members present.
· Guests/Prospective New Members Present: 4th District Commander Marvin Harper
o Guest Comments: District Commander Harper thanked the membership of Post 287, who supported the last fundraising breakfast at Post 102 in Barnard. The breakfast’s will no longer take place secondary to lack of attendance and support. District Harper also shared information on the passing of Past Department Commander Norman Campbell. Department Commander Campbell’s funeral will be held in Warsaw on Friday at 10 a.m. Burial will be in Higginsville.
· Committee Reports:
o 2019 Legion Membership Committee (Mark Hummer) = 231 (100% = “Over-the-Top”).
o American Legion Riders (Timmy Williams): they will have a Savannah Pizza Hut Night on 25 March from 4:30 – 8 p.m. 15% of the proceeds will go towards the Legacy Scholarship Fund.
o Sons of the American Legion (Terry Beasley):
§ Over-the-Top membership is at 54 (120%)
§ Steve Crockett is the co-winner of the SAL Detachment Member of the Year Award.
§ SAL members will host the Four Chaplains ceremony on March 10th In conjunction with the 4th District meeting.
o 40 & 8 (James Jones)- Don Dillman continues to communicate with Dr. Eric Kurre, Savannah R-III School District Superintendent on getting permission to conduct the Flag Etiquette classes in the local schools.
· Sick Call: Herb Clizer (on Hospice), Floyd Auxier (SAL member, also on Hospice), Timmy Williams, Sonny Todd, Gene Davis, Kenneth Diggs, Stan Stubblefield. Robert Wade (former Post 287 member) recovering from a broken hip.
· Post Everlasting: Charles Castle (U.S. Navy veteran), and had 25 years of continuous membership
· Un-finished Business:
o Centennial Courthouse Square Parade (Terry Beasley)-
§ Date remains: April 28th at 1:30 p.m. The Savannah High School Drum Corp Line & the area Boy & Girl Scouts will be invited to join us at the parade. Some RSVP’s are coming in from the other Legion Posts of the District.
o Flag Etiquette for Cub Scout Pack 60 (Brian Stackhouse):
§ The presentation was well received. So much so, the Boy Scouts Troop 60 would now like to come to Post 287 for the Flag Etiquette program, with the added ceremony of doing a flag retirement.
§ Tentative Date: Tuesday, April 23rd from 7 – 8:30 p.m. Proposed Lesson Plan:
· 40 & 8 presentation
· Flag Etiquette DVD. The Veterans Day of Honor AV equipment will be used.
· Flag Folding
· Flag Retirement
· Flag Etiquette Certificate/American Flag presentation
o March District Meeting & Four Chaplains Ceremony- all plans are proceeding for the Sunday, March 10th event & meeting.
o Memorial Day Ceremony- Guest Speaker will be Jim Beasley. As Memorial Day draws near some of the new ideas for the parade and ceremony will be incorporated. More plans are pending.
· New Business:
o 2-month-event Schedule was reviewed.
o Junior Rodeo at the 4-H Barns next door to the Legion property. Post 287 was asked to provide a Color Guard for the opening ceremony. The Junior Rodeo is being held Saturday and Sunday starting at 11 a.m. Volunteers for the Color Guard included:
§ Saturday- Mark Hummer & Terry Beasley
§ Sunday- Marvin Harper & Billy Kretzer
· For the Good of the American Legion:
o Annual Auxiliary American Legion Birthday Dinner will be Monday, 11 March at 6 p.m. Everyone was invited. Menu includes: chicken, and everyone was asked to bring a covered dish or dessert. This is The American Legion’s 100th Centennial Birthday Year.
o The Savannah Fire Department is having a Spaghetti Fundraiser on Saturday from 5-9 p.m. Donations are being raised for Melody Reese to help with medical expenses.
o Holocaust Survivor and author Marion Blumenthal Lazan is an invited guest speaker at the South Nodaway High School in Barnard. She will do a presentation on March 18th at 1 p.m. Public invited.
o 2018 – 2019 Consolidated Post Report has been completed.
· Commander Chester adjourned the meeting at 2000 hours. Chaplain Ebersole gave the closing prayer. The next meeting will be March 20th, 1900 hours.
Regular Meeting, March 20, 2019
· 1st Vice Commander Mark Hummer called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours. Chaplain Barb Ebersole gave the opening prayer…The meeting was declared regularly convened. A quorum was established with 16 members present.
· Guests/Prospective New Members Present:
o 4th District Commander Marvin Harper
o Jan Glenn, Andrew County Museum Director
o Bill McCoy, Post 359-member, U.S. Navy Veteran during the Vietnam War era (1971-1975). Served on the USS Midway aircraft carrier. Did 2 deployments in Vietnam
Guest Comments: Museum Director Glenn thanked everyone who attended the afternoon coffee at the Museum today. She also invited everyone to the upcoming event: "Those Who Served - Remembering the Vietnam War." Event this coming Thursday evening at 6 p.m. At the Museum.
· Committee Reports:
o Finance Report delivered by Finance Officer Timmy Williams
o 2019 Legion Membership Committee (Mark Hummer) = 233 (101% = “Over-the-Top”).
o American Legion Riders (Vern Tobey): Pizza Hut Fundraiser
§ Looking at doing another fundraiser on April 20th at the Pizza Ranch
§ Legion Rider Chapter 287 Arkansas 3-day Legacy Ride will be June 20-23rd.
o Sons of the American Legion (Terry Beasley):
§ Over-the-Top membership is at 54 (120%)
§ Thanked everyone who attended the funeral service for SAL Floyd Auxier. Mark Brock read the Squadron Everlasting certificate and presented it to the family. Steve Crockett and Terry Beasley did a flag folding and presented the flag to the family. Multiple Legionnaires and Auxiliary members attended in support and tribute.
o 40 & 8 (James Jones)- Don Dillman updated the membership. May do a Flag Etiquette program in May.
o Veteran Service Advisor/Post Service Officers (VSA/PSO) Sharon & Vern Tobey:
Hours Counseling = 21 with a mileage of 307 miles, and 16 veterans assisted.
· Sick Call: Herb Clizer (on Hospice), Hugh Sheffield (recent hospitalization), Sonny Todd, Gene Davis, Kenneth Diggs, Stan Stubblefield, and Post 287 Auxiliary Vice President Karen Hehn.
· Post Everlasting: Anna Todd, Auxiliary, and Floyd Auxier, Sons of the American Legion
· Unfinished Business:
o Centennial Courthouse Square Parade (Terry Beasley)-
§ Date remains: April 28th at 1:30 p.m.
§ The Savannah High School Drum Corp Line & the area Boy & Girl Scouts will be invited to join us at the parade.
§ Legionnaire Edner Rudolph inquired if the FCCLA was also invited? Adjutant Beasley had not included them at this time.
o Flag Etiquette for Boy Scout Troop 60 (Brian Stackhouse):
§ Plans pending for a presentation.
§ Tentative Date: Tuesday, April 23rd from 7 – 8:30 p.m.
§ Proposed Lesson Plan:
· 40 & 8 presentation
· Flag Etiquette DVD. The Veterans Day of Honor AV equipment will be used.
· Flag Folding
· Flag Retirement
· Flag Etiquette Certificate/American Flag presentation
o Memorial Day (Brian Stackhouse):
§ Guest Speaker will be Jim Beasley
§ Proposing to have each American Legion Family Entity Commander/President/Director come before their flag at the podium and give a short talk on the community contributions their group makes. As they give examples, people in attendance who have benefitted from the various programs could stand.
§ Plans remain ongoing.
o Flag Pole replacements for the Post and Flanders Field- Debbie and Tim Williams are still shopping for replacement flag poles. The priority is to get a flag pole that has the pulley system for raising and lowering flags, and is a non-telescoping pole. Diameters being considered are ranging from 2 ½” to 3”.
· New Business:
o 2-month-event Schedule- copies were made available.
o 2020 Membership Dues increase:
§ National & Department dues are going up another $5.00. Currently $27.50 is taken out of the Post 287 dues of $38.00 to go to the National & Department. In 2020 the National & Department portion of the dues will be $32.50. of the $38.00.
§ A motion was initially made and seconded to increase the Post 287 dues to $40.00. During the discussion, it was pointed out, the Post traditionally has received $10.50 from each dues paid by a member. Dues set at $40.00 would fall short on the Post’s portion. An amendment to the original motion was to increase the 2020 dues to $43.00 to cover the increase in the National & Department dues. The 2020 portion going to the Post would then remain at $10.50. The amendment to the motion was seconded. After discussion the motion passed to increase the Post dues to $43 annually.
o Model T storage- Bob Niebuhr is in the process of selling his property. The Model-T, which is titled to the Post, but on annual lease to the Andrew County Museum is currently be kept at Mr. Niebuhr’s place. Plans are now being considered for moving the Model-T to a temporary or permanent storage area, under the care of Post 287 again. The Model-T could also be a part of the Centennial Parade on April 28th.
· For the Good of the American Legion: 4th District Commander Harper expects Post 287 to have volunteers for the upcoming 4th District Officer positions to be voted on at the June meeting. Please prepare your resolutions.
· Correspondence: Veterans Home Assistance League June Fundraiser.
· 1st Vice Commander Hummer adjourned the meeting at 1945 hours. Chaplain Ebersole gave the closing prayer. The next meeting will be April 3rd, 1900 hours.
Regular Meeting April 3, 2019
· Commander Rusty Chester called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours. Chaplain Barb Ebersole gave the opening prayer…The meeting was declared regularly convened. A quorum was established with 15 members present.
· Committee Reports:
o 2019 Legion Membership Committee (Mark Hummer) = 234 (101% = “Over-the-Top”).
o American Legion Riders: (Debbie Williams)- awaiting to hear from the corporate office to see what the final charity funds were raised during the March 25th Pizza Hut Night.
o 40 & 8 (James Jones & Don Dillman)- still planning on doing the flag etiquette program in the local schools soon.
o Sick Call: Herb Clizer (on Hospice), Hugh Sheffield, Sonny Todd, Gene Davis, Kenneth Diggs, and Stan Stubblefield.
· Un-finished Business:
o Andrew County Government Day (Barb Ebersole); will be April 11th. Volunteers to arrive between 8:30 – 9:00 a.m. North Andrew will attend, but Savannah High School has not yet committed to coming.
o Centennial Courthouse Square Parade (Terry Beasley): Date: April 28th at 1:30 p.m. Will reconnect with the Chief of Police and the City Administrator to finalize plans. Will invite Cub, Boy, & Girl Scouts, as well as the FCCLA. Will re-invite all the Legion Posts of the 4th District.
o Flag Etiquette for Boy Scout Troop 60 (Brian Stackhouse): Date: Tuesday, April 23rd from 6 – 8:00 p.m. Proposed Lesson Plan: 40 & 8 presentation. Flag Etiquette DVD. The Veterans Day of Honor AV equipment will be used. Flag Folding. Flag Retirement; the main roles will be filled by: Commander- Brian Stackhouse, Chaplain- Randy Major, 1st Vice Commander- Dave Hehn, 2nd Vice Commander- James Jones, Sergeant-at-Arms- Terry Beasley, and SAL Mark Brock will be there to manage the flame for the flag retirement. Flag Etiquette Certificate/American Flag presentation.
o Memorial Day (Brian Stackhouse): Guest Speaker will be Jim Beesley. Savannah High School Band, Cub, Boy and Girl Scouts will also participate. Each Post 287 American Legion Family Entity will march in with their respective Flag and give some brief remarks about their role and community contributions.
o Flag Pole replacements for the Post and Flanders Field (Debbie and Tim Williams): two flag poles have been ordered. Cost of the poles with shipping and handling totaled $750.25. For installation the following have volunteered: Jim, Dan, Steve and Vern. The flag pole placement at the Post will be moved out from under the maple tree.
· New Business:
o 2019-2020 Nomination Committee- no committee was formed. The current set of officers have accepted to serve a second term. A slate of officers will be submitted at the mid-April meeting. The slate of Officers will be formally nominated at the 1st meeting in May and voted on during the mid-May meeting.
o Volunteer(s) are needed to be responsible for the care of Flanders Field. Former caretakers, Bill and Cindy Phillips have moved away from the local area.
· For the Good of the American Legion:
o Craft Fair at the Post will be April 20th. Volunteers are needed to help serve the Breakfast and Lunch fundraiser meals.
o Adjutant Beasley shared the story of the Army personnel who advocated for the Post 287 Military Funeral Honors Team, when our last military funeral experienced some very rainy weather conditions.
o Post 287 Military Funeral Honors Team has been requested for a funeral tomorrow, April 4th at 10 a.m. at the Savannah Cemetery. At present, a full-team of volunteers has been formed.
o Apple Blossom Parade will be May 4th. Let Legionnaire Billy Kretzer know if you are interested in participating.
o Thanks to Billy Kretzer who put the American Flags out around the Courthouse during the last Election Day.
o Congratulations to Don Dillman, recently re-elected as Mayor of Savannah.
· Correspondence: Thank You Card from the Anna Todd family.
· Commander Chester adjourned the meeting at 2000 hours. Chaplain Ebersole gave the closing prayer. The next meeting will be April 17th, 1900 hours.
Regular Meeting April 17, 2019
· Commander Rusty Chester called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours. Chaplain Barb Ebersole gave the opening prayer...The meeting was declared regularly convened. A quorum was established with 14 members present.
· Guests/Prospective New Members Present: David Elifrits, American Legion Post 393 – Gower.
· Committee Reports:
o Finance Report briefed by Timmy Williams.
o 2019 Legion Membership Committee (Mark Hummer) = 235 (102% = “Over-the-Top”).
o Auxiliary (Barb Ebersole): had 26-27 North Andrew students at this years’ Andrew County Government Day.
o American Legion Riders (Vern Tobey):
§ Chapter 287, 3-day Arkansas Legacy Ride in June, plans remain ongoing.
§ There will be a fundraiser night at the Pizza Ranch on May 20th.
§ 2019-2020 Officer Nominations were completed at tonight’s meeting. Final voting will be next month.
§ Donating $200 to Camp Quality this year.
§ Will participate in the 4th District Centennial Parade on the 28th of April in Savannah.
o Sons of the American Legion (Terry Beasley): Membership = 54. Current Budget = $4,918. Will participate in the 4th District Centennial Parade as well. Working on developing the 2019-2020 Officer ballot. Will finalize the nominations in May and do the final vote in June.
o 40 & 8 (James Jones & Don Dillman): - will work with Mrs. Hurst, 1st Grade teacher on setting up a flag etiquette presentation.
o Veteran Service Advisor/Post Service Officers (VSA/PSO) Sharon & Vern Tobey:
§ March volunteer hours = 29, mileage = 367, and veterans counseled = 21.
§ April volunteer hours to date = 11, mileage = 142, and veterans counseled = 8.
· Sick Call: Herb Clizer (on Hospice), Sonny Todd, Gene Davis, Kenneth Diggs, and Stan Stubblefield.
· Un-finished Business:
o Centennial Courthouse Square Parade (Terry Beasley)- Date: April 28th at 1:30 p.m. Planning remains ongoing. Other Posts attending will be Post 359, 445, and 464.
o Flag Etiquette for Boy Scout Troop 60 (Brian Stackhouse): no further changes: Date: Tuesday, April 23rd from 6 – 8:00 p.m. Proposed Lesson Plan: 40 & 8 presentation. Flag Etiquette DVD. The Veterans Day of Honor AV equipment will be used. Flag Folding. Flag Retirement; the main roles will be filled by: Commander- Brian Stackhouse, Chaplain- Randy Major, 1st Vice Commander- Dave Hehn, 2nd Vice Commander- James Jones, Sergeant-at-Arms- Terry Beasley, and SAL Mark Brock will be there to manage the flame for the flag retirement. Flag Etiquette Certificate/American Flag presentation.
o Memorial Day (Brian Stackhouse): plans remain ongoing. Lots of volunteers will be needed to carry all of The American Legion Family entity flags. The rifle team may be used for carrying out the flags, and then reform up as a rifle team once needed for the Memorial Day Ceremony after arriving at Flanders Field.
o Flag Pole replacements for the Post and Flanders Field (Debbie and Tim Williams): the flag poles have been delivered. The poles will be installed after “Dig Right” has marked the utility lines at both the Legion Post and Flanders Field. Hope to have this project done prior to Memorial Day. The Auxiliary sponsored the cost of the pole for the Legion Grounds. The Legionnaires will cover the cost of the pole for Flanders Field.
o Flanders Field Volunteer(s): no volunteers have come forward yet.
o Apple Blossom Parade will be May 4th. Let Legionnaire Billy Kretzer know if you are interested in participating.
o Flanders Field Border Work Project- tabled for now.
· Guest Speaker Comments - David Elifrits, American Legion Post 393 - Gower.
o Legionnaire Elifrits is also an active member of the Gower Lions Club.
o He has created a “challenge” for all area Lions’ Clubs and other civic organizations to raise money for the communities affected by the flooding in Missouri, Nebraska, and Iowa.
o The “challenge” is to adopt a city, do fundraisers, and donate the money to the Lions Club of a flooded town/area.
o Legionnaire Elifrits has briefed the Savannah Lions Club (Julie Hanna) of the challenge, and wanted to also see if Post 287 could help.
o SAL Mike Walter commented the First Baptist Church was helping Holt County.
o Post 287 will coordinate any efforts with the Savannah Lions Club. Adjutant Terry Beasley was made the point of contact.
· New Business:
o 2019-2020 Nomination Committee- the paperwork will be readied for next month’s meeting.
o Annual Rosecrans Chiefs Association Golf Tournament will be held in June to raise funds for the Family Readiness Unit. $100 from The American Legion Family Post 287 entities will be donated to sponsor one of the holes. Each entity will donate $25. A motion was made, seconded and passed to donate again this year.
o Purple Heart City Designation- the Andrew County Commissioners have applied for this recognition. They asked for a representative of Post 287 to meet with them on Thursday, 18 April at 8 a.m. at the courthouse. Adjutant Beasley was planning on attending.
· For the Good of the American Legion:
o Edner Rudolph has been awarded a 60-Year Continuous Membership Certificate. Commander Chester will deliver the certificate at the next meeting.
o Craft Fair at the Post this Saturday, April 20th. Proceeds will go towards the Legacy Scholarship Fund. Volunteers are needed to help with the breakfast and lunch meals.
· Correspondence: Thank You Cards from: Jane Powell in memory of Everette Powell; and Garrett Jackson, Post 278 sponsored 2019 Boys State Candidate
· Commander Chester adjourned the meeting at 1945 hours. Chaplain Ebersole gave the closing prayer. The next meeting will be May 1st, 1900 hours.